Here's where I've gotten with custom user authentication, this may be a 
starting point for some 


On Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 4:40:29 PM UTC-6, Jeff Goldberg wrote:
> On Jan 25, 2018, at 2:58 PM, Pat Farrell < <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > On Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 8:33:40 AM UTC-5, 
> wrote: 
> > > (2) would using a session cookie  + some authorization middleware 
> (such as casbin) make sense for our situation? what are its pro's and 
> con's? 
> > 
> > In a pure micro-services architecture, you have to check every request 
> in every micro-service, its the nature of the beast. Of course, you pass 
> around a local token that expires in a 'short' time. 
> What I am going to describe here is overkill for almost everyone, and 
> certainly for a "first time building”, but it gives me the opportunity to 
> discuss another way of managing authenticated sessions with a RESTful API. 
> Note, however, that it requires specific client code. 
> With 1Password.{com,ca,eu}, we maintain an “authenticated session” that is 
> referenced by the client through a non-secret SessionID. (It could be a 
> non-secret cookie, but we put it in the URI). When the client first 
> authenticates, it does so using (a slightly non-standard version of) Secure 
> Remote Password, SRP: 
> this establishes a session key, which both the client and server will 
> know. (It does this without exchanging any secrets.) 
> After that, all requests are authenticated and encrypted with the session 
> key (or a key derived from the session key). This is all on top of TLS, 
> which we do not entirely trust. Thus, every client request contains a proof 
> that it knows the session key without ever transmitting it. 
> > Wiring your own that mostly works is trivial. Getting all the tiny 
> details is very pedantic, and its easy to get wrong. Which is why its 
> critical to ask how serious you are about value and potential attackers 
> Again, what we do is going to be overkill for most setups. And it was a 
> lot of work to build. But our security needs are probably different than 
> most people’s. Our authenticated session management isn’t as cleanly 
> module-erized as the SRP code, so we aren’t ready to publish that, but its 
> on our wishlist of stuff we would someday like to publish. 
> Cheers, 
> -j 
> –- 
> Jeffrey Goldberg 
> Chief Defender Against the Dark Arts @ AgileBits 

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