I am starting to develop an app using flutter and golang.

Flutter is the dumb GUI and everything else is written in golang.

It is reasonably easy to compile your golang code using gomobile and then bind 
to flutter using the Method Channel API that flutter provides.

Is anyone interested in this ?

Flutter now runs on all desktops and mobiles officially. The desktop version 
was announced 2 weeks ago and already Linux and macOS works, with Windows 
probably being a few weeks away from what I guesstimate.

The cool thing about this is that you get a very well supported and high 
performance GUI engine for Forms and 2D. 3D is still not provided by has been 
stated by the team to be looked at later.

Anyway I hope to spark some interest in this and I will be putting up some demo 
code on my git hub repo and hope others are interested enough to also give it a 
try and work through it.

How to write a plug-in:


Plugins already available :


They have not yet officially committed to how cross platform out put to PDF and 
XPS ( for windows ) will be supported.
Under the covers Flutter is using the same engine that Google Chrome browser 
uses; called Skia.

Skia has an API for printing web pages and it uses pdfium under the hood.
It seams logical that the Flutter team will also start using this method to 
provide built in PDF output and even print spooling but from what I can see 
it's not resolved yet.

All other things like touch, keyboard, sound, gestures etc are all built into 
Flutter because it's built into Skia.

Would be great to hear if there is a strong interest in this and to discuss .

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