On 25 April 2018 at 08:05, Louki Sumirniy
<louki.sumirniy.stal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6531543/efficient-implementation-of-binary-heaps
> Pretty much what I'm working on here is this, except with left to right sort
> instead of vertical. I think this guy's work will help me iron out the
> performance issues.

You do know that heaps aren't a great data structure for searching, right?

> Another thing, that is more on topic more specifically, is that collections
> of interface methods introduce a significant overhead, compared to simply
> passing the pointer to the structure as a parameter. I am thinking that
> maybe a way to hide this parameter passing is by using closures, which bind
> in the namespace from a hypothetical initialiser function, without actually
> having to specify the pointer passing across. The structure is created and
> allocated by the initialising function (constructor, if you like) and
> because all of the functions are declared within the namespace as closures,
> the compiler implicitly passes the pointer to the struct without having to
> specify it.

You don't need to do this. You're still thinking in traditional OO
terms. I'd suggest trying to think in a more Go like way instead. FWIW
I tried to point you in a more sensible direction with this code:

> I don't know exactly what FP paradigm says about structures and collections
> of functions exactly, as prima facie it looks like OOP. But closures are a
> uniquely FP mechanism, and really they are just a way to merge namespaces,
> and by doing this we don't have to pass the pointer to the function
> explicitly, as it is already accessible.

What gives you the idea that closures are a uniquely FP mechanism?


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