On Tuesday, October 16, 2018 at 4:03:16 PM UTC-4, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
> It's a feasible approach.  But unless I misunderstand, testing 
> arguments at the call site means that you've discarded contracts. 

I don't understand that claim. A contract (in my plan, an "implements" 
clause) is how you decide whether binding a template formal to a concrete 
type at the callsite makes sense .  For example, if the generic function 
has the signature "func foo( a T, b T)" and contains the expression " a < 
b" and you bind the unspecified type T to a a concrete one based on the 
arguments passed to foo at callsite, you either compile "a < b" using the 
"implements <" method of the concrete type or throw an error.

> This means that a change in the generic function, which happens to 
> introduce a new use of the parameter, can cause a failure at the call 
> site, which may be far away. 

That doesn't seem to me to entail more risk than *any* change to the 
generic function would.

>                                                                  It's 
> possible that that is the best way 
> forward.  But it's problematic, for the reasons discussed at the "type 
> contracts" section of the design draft.  This is less of a problem in 
> a dynamic language like LISP than it is in a nominally 
> compile-time-type-safe language like Go. 

Can you exhibit any scenario in which, under my plan, any validity check 
has to wait until runtime?

If it helps, think of an "implements <" method as a text-rewrite rule that 
is evaluated before code generation.  Anywhere you see "a < b" and the 
operand type has an "implements <" method, the expression is effectively 
replaced by a method call.

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