> 1. Why does "go build" still connect to go101.org even if the wording 
> "go101.org" doesn't appear in any source code and go.mod files?

That has been fixed in the CL associated with
https://github.com/golang/go/issues/27859, available on tip.

> 2. "Why doesn't "go build" run "go mod tidy" automatically?

It does in as much as adding missing dependencies are concerned, but
doesn't do the tidying (removal) in go.{mod,sum} that go mod tidy

> 3. Now, each "go build" run will stil connect to go101.org firstly, even of 
> the replace line is there.
>     Even if the connection fails, the build will still succeed. Then what the 
> meaningless to connect to
>     the old import paths which have been replaced.

Correct. Per the issue above and indeed the more general
https://github.com/golang/go/issues/26241, this is a bug.

> 4. Why can't treat a replace line as require line automatically?

See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/26241

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