I've written a program that allows users to put in MySQL queries and get 
results from it. Those queries can be selects, inserts, update, delete etc. 
I would a better sample of the code but currently the code is over 1000+ 
lines, but I do something like this:

db,err :=sql.Open(mysql, loginCreds)
rows, err db.Query("<user given query>")

This works, and you can do selects, inserts, deletes, drop -- basically any 
query you can run with the mysql client will work, but what you're missing 
is when it doesn't have any rows to display is the rows affected (such as 
an insert or update).  I have nothing to return to the user other than the 
query worked.  So the user has no idea if 1 or 10000 rows were updated or 
deleted from the query.  For this I'd have to be using db.Exec which 
returns an sql.Result, where I can pull the rows affected. Is there a way 
to get rows affected from a query? I don't want to have a decision tree to 
figure out based on the query given to use sql.Exec or sql.Query.  I am not 
that good of a DBA to be able to figure that out. :)



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