On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 12:44 PM <kloste...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, other languages use the optional/maybe type.

The CPU does not care how humans call the abstraction. It has still to
do the same old thing: check some value for being equal/not equal to a
sentinel value or check a tag value for the same effect. That means
additional cost wrt to memory consumption. Additionally, now the
compiler may enforce the check everywhere when humans may know better.
So it buys more safety, undeniably, but as always, there are no free

> The problem with nil-errors struck me hard in Go when I realized that, no 
> matter how many "recovers" I write in my server app, if a goroutine is 
> spawned and hits a nil pointer dereference, the whole server crashes. There 
> is no protection inside the language against this (let me know if there is a 
> way)

I'd say that's not solving the problem, but making it bigger. Do not
recover from nil panics, instead fix the nil dereference bug and avoid
the panic completely.

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