On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 10:08 AM Tom Larsen <larsenthom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am attempting to build a Golang SDK for the Alteryx analytic application.  
> Alteryx provides a C API for interacting with the engine, so I thought I 
> would use cgo to build a bridge between Alteryx and Go.
> The basic flow-of-control looks something like this:
> The engine pushes a record of data (a C pointer to a blob of bytes) to my SDK 
> by calling a cgo function (iiPushRecord). So, C is calling Go here. My cgo 
> function looks like this:
> //export iiPushRecord
> func iiPushRecord(handle unsafe.Pointer, record unsafe.Pointer) C.long {
>     incomingInterface := pointer.Restore(handle).(IncomingInterface)
>     if incomingInterface.PushRecord(record) {
>         return C.long(1)
>     }
>     return C.long(0)
> }
> My SDK calls a method on an interface that does something with the data.  For 
> my basic example, I'm just copying the data to some outgoing buffers 
> (theoretically, a best case scenario).
> The interface object pushes the data back to the engine by calling my SDK's 
> PushRecord function, which in turn calls a similar C function on the engine.  
> The PushRecord function in my SDK looks like this:
> func PushRecord(connection *ConnectionInterfaceStruct, record unsafe.Pointer) 
> error {
>     result := C.callPushRecord(connection.connection, record)
>     if result == C.long(0) {
>         return fmt.Errorf(`error calling pII_PushRecord`)
>     }
>     return nil
> }
> and the callPushRecord function in C looks like this:
> long callPushRecord(struct IncomingConnectionInterface * connection, void * 
> record) {
>     return connection->pII_PushRecord(connection->handle, record);
> }
> When I execute my base code 10 million times (simulating 10 million records) 
> in a unit test, it will execute in 20-30 seconds.  This test does not include 
> the cgo calls.  However, when I package the tool and execute it in Alteryx 
> with 10 million records, it takes about 1 minute 20 seconds to execute.  I 
> benchmarked against an equivalent tool I built using Alteryx's own Python 
> SDK, which takes 1 minute.  My goal is to be faster than Python.
> I ran a CPU profile while Alteryx was running.  Of the 1.38 minute runtime, 
> the profile samples covered 42.95 seconds.  The profile starts out like this:
> crosscall2 (0%) -> _cgoexp_89e40a732b6d_iiPushRecord (0%) -> runtime 
> cgoballback (0%) -> runtime cgocallback_gofunc (0.14%)
> At this point, the profile branches into 3:
> runtime cgocallback, which eventually calls all of my SDK code.  This branch 
> accounts for 17.06 seconds in total
> runtime needm, which accounts for 8.21 seconds in total
> runtime dropm, which accounts for 17.43 seconds in total
> If you want a graphical display of the profile, it's here: 
> https://i.stack.imgur.com/CphbG.png
> It looks like the C to Go overhead is responsible for ~60% of the total 
> execution time?  Is this the correct way to interpret the profile?  If so, is 
> it because of something I did wrong, or is this overhead inherent to the 
> runtime?  There isn't noticeable overhead when my Go code calls C, so the 
> upfront overhead from C to Go really surprised me.  Is there anything I can 
> do here?
> I am running Go 1.14.3 on windows/amd64.  It's actually a Windows 10 VM on my 
> Macbook, if that makes any difference.
> All of the code is on GitHub: https://github.com/tlarsen7572/goalteryx
> Note: I asked this on SO a few days ago, but got no answers, so I thought I 
> would try here.  I hope that's ok.

I haven't looked at your code in detail.  But a plausible rule of
thumb is that a call from Go to C takes as long as ten function calls,
and calling from C to Go is worse.  There are several reasons for
this, and there is certainly interest in making it faster, but it's a
hard problem.

This unfortunately means that you should not design your program to
casually call between Go and C.  Where possible you should batch calls
and you should try to build data structures entirely in one language
before passing them to the other language.

Sorry for the difficulties.


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