The threads are started by C.  The C application starts by calling into 
Go/cgo to fill some structs with function pointers, which get returned back 
to C.  C then calls those function pointers as it needs to.

On Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 10:24:23 PM UTC-4, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
> On Sat, May 30, 2020, 6:08 PM Tom Larsen < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I've managed to batch the incoming data, so I thought I would provide an 
>> update:
>> Batching 10 records at a time reduced runtime to just under 40 seconds 
>> (beating Python!), so the slowdown I am seeing is overhead.  In my case the 
>> overhead equates to about 5 microseconds per call from C to Go.
> Thanks for the update.
> It's interesting that needm and extram are so high.  Are these calls from 
> threads started by C to Go, as opposed to calls from Go to C to Go?  In the 
> current implementation that is the worst case.
> Ian
> On Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 1:08:17 PM UTC-4, Tom Larsen wrote:
>>> I am attempting to build a Golang SDK for the Alteryx analytic 
>>> application.  Alteryx provides a C API for interacting with the engine, so 
>>> I thought I would use cgo to build a bridge between Alteryx and Go.
>>> The basic flow-of-control looks something like this:
>>>    1. The engine pushes a record of data (a C pointer to a blob of 
>>>    bytes) to my SDK by calling a cgo function (iiPushRecord). So, C is 
>>> calling 
>>>    Go here. My cgo function looks like this:
>>>    //export iiPushRecord
>>>    func iiPushRecord(handle unsafe.Pointer, record unsafe.Pointer) C.long {
>>>        incomingInterface := pointer.Restore(handle).(IncomingInterface)
>>>        if incomingInterface.PushRecord(record) {
>>>            return C.long(1)
>>>        }
>>>        return C.long(0)
>>>    }
>>>    2. My SDK calls a method on an interface that does something with 
>>>    the data.  For my basic example, I'm just copying the data to some 
>>> outgoing 
>>>    buffers (theoretically, a best case scenario).
>>>    3. The interface object pushes the data back to the engine by 
>>>    calling my SDK's PushRecord function, which in turn calls a similar C 
>>>    function on the engine.  The PushRecord function in my SDK looks like 
>>> this:
>>>    func PushRecord(connection *ConnectionInterfaceStruct, record 
>>> unsafe.Pointer) error {
>>>        result := C.callPushRecord(connection.connection, record)
>>>        if result == C.long(0) {
>>>            return fmt.Errorf(`error calling pII_PushRecord`)
>>>        }
>>>        return nil
>>>    }
>>>    and the callPushRecord function in C looks like this:
>>>    long callPushRecord(struct IncomingConnectionInterface * connection, 
>>> void * record) {
>>>        return connection->pII_PushRecord(connection->handle, record);
>>>    }
>>> When I execute my base code 10 million times (simulating 10 million 
>>> records) in a unit test, it will execute in 20-30 seconds.  This test does 
>>> not include the cgo calls.  However, when I package the tool and execute it 
>>> in Alteryx with 10 million records, it takes about 1 minute 20 seconds to 
>>> execute.  I benchmarked against an equivalent tool I built using Alteryx's 
>>> own Python SDK, which takes 1 minute.  My goal is to be faster than Python.
>>> I ran a CPU profile while Alteryx was running.  Of the 1.38 minute 
>>> runtime, the profile samples covered 42.95 seconds.  The profile starts out 
>>> like this:
>>> crosscall2 (0%) -> _cgoexp_89e40a732b6d_iiPushRecord (0%) -> runtime 
>>> cgoballback (0%) -> runtime cgocallback_gofunc (0.14%)
>>> At this point, the profile branches into 3:
>>>    1. runtime cgocallback, which eventually calls all of my SDK code.  
>>>    This branch accounts for 17.06 seconds in total
>>>    2. runtime needm, which accounts for 8.21 seconds in total
>>>    3. runtime dropm, which accounts for 17.43 seconds in total
>>> If you want a graphical display of the profile, it's here: 
>>> It looks like the C to Go overhead is responsible for ~60% of the total 
>>> execution time?  Is this the correct way to interpret the profile?  If so, 
>>> is it because of something I did wrong, or is this overhead inherent to the 
>>> runtime?  There isn't noticeable overhead when my Go code calls C, so the 
>>> upfront overhead from C to Go really surprised me.  Is there anything I can 
>>> do here?
>>> I am running Go 1.14.3 on windows/amd64.  It's actually a Windows 10 VM 
>>> on my Macbook, if that makes any difference.
>>> All of the code is on GitHub:
>>> Note: I asked this on SO a few days ago, but got no answers, so I 
>>> thought I would try here.  I hope that's ok.
>> -- 
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