>From the change log (https://godoc.org/modernc.org/sqlite#hdr-Changelog)

2020-08-26 v1.4.0:

First stable release for linux/amd64. The database/sql driver and its tests
are CGo free. Tests of the translated sqlite3.c library still require CGo.

$ make full


SQLite 2020-08-14 13:23:32
0 errors out of 928271 tests on 3900x Linux 64-bit little-endian
WARNING: Multi-threaded tests skipped: Linked against a non-threadsafe Tcl
All memory allocations freed - no leaks
Maximum memory usage: 9156360 bytes
Current memory usage: 0 bytes
Number of malloc()  : -1 calls
--- PASS: TestTclTest (1785.04s)
ok      modernc.org/sqlite  1785.041s

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