Quoth Jan Mercl:
> First stable release for linux/amd64. The database/sql driver and its tests 
> are
> CGo free. Tests of the translated sqlite3.c library still require CGo.

This is really cool, congratulations!

I'm now going to ask some really ignorant questions, so sorry for 

I took a little tour around the code, am I correct in thinking that 
it's mostly a clever translation of the C code to Go, using 
generator.go? What is 'ccgo' that seems to be doing all this? I see 
that lib/sqlite_linux_amd64.go is created by the makeSqlite() 
function, but is the capi_linux_amd64.go file generated from the 
same command? Sorry, but I don't yet understand this ccgo thing.

Am I correct in thinking that this implementation, now it passes all 
the tests, should be essentially a drop-in replacement for something 
like github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3, with similar performance as it's 
just translated-from-C? What happens if one (erroneously) tries to 
build a project that uses this library, using a non-supported 
architecture? Will go complain?

Thanks, anyway, looks very cool, I look forward to learning more!


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