On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 8:17 PM Ian Lance Taylor <i...@golang.org> wrote:

> Exact alignment/offset compatibility with the C ABI is not a goal.
> Sorry.  (It's actually harder than one might think to maintain that
> kind of compatibility.  For example, on x86, the C ABI uses one
> alignment for double variables and a different alignment for double
> variables that appear as a field in a struct.  Unless, of course, you
> use the -malign-double option.  And more generally some platforms have
> multiple C ABIs, including x86 if you count the MCU psABI.)
> The Go structs in the syscall package that need to match C structs are
> carefully written to work correctly.
> You may find the cgo -godefs option to be helpful, as it provides Go
> structs that exactly match C structs, given a particular set of
> compiler options.

Thanks a lot for the clarification. Assuming that IIRC, cgo -godefs
acquire the alignment/offset info by invoking the C compiler, it's
unfortunately not a good option for a project that aims to avoid CGo
in the first place. But I now think there's a feasible solution to
this problem, having not as high a cost as I feared first when reading
your answer. I shall see tomorrow.

Thanks again.

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