On Sun, Dec 20, 2020 at 8:38 PM K. Alex Mills <k.alex.mi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> During a Q&A session at this year's GopherCon, some members of the Go 
> language team indicated a willingness to modify the behavior of range loops 
> if we can be reasonably certain that the change will not cause incorrect 
> behavior in current programs.

I expressed my concerns at the issue tracker in 2017 when I still had
a Github account. That's no more the case, so I'll take the
opportunity to make a comment here. I still believe that the intent to
change the behavior the way issue #20733 proposes is [plain] wrong. It
can turn loops in existing code that do not allocate to loops that
allocate. That can be avoided by certain compiler optimizations that
may be already present in [some or all] known Go compilers. But such
particular optimization is not part of the language specification so
the runtime performance of some code may differ dramatically between
[future] compilers.

Go is not, and I hope should not become, a language defined by [any
particular] implementation.

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