On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 12:01 PM 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts
<golang-nuts@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> Go is an inclusive project and wants everyone to feel welcome - *obviously* 
> that includes people who want generics in the language. Please read - and 
> keep to - the Go community Code of Conduct: https://golang.org/conduct

I have never read the CoC, but I don't expect it justifies implanting
irrelevant social issues into a technical discussion like this to be
used as an argument against a differing opinion. Please don't, thank

Back to the topic. Yes, I agree that Go is going through a serious
case of featuritis for some time. It's sad, but knowing there's
nothing I can do about it, I'm not really frustrated. Afterall there
are places where generics will be just fine. I will be frustrated,
however, when I'll have to read generic code in places where it
shouldn't be generic. Grep would no longer point me to a particular,
plain readable implementation, which then would have to be built
mentally only and that will be much more complicated to do.

That will happen. It happens routinely in every other programming
language that has generics. Because for so many it's so cool to write
write-only code.

I'm sometimes a sinner too.

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