
On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 8:16 PM Jeremy French <jer...@frenches.com> wrote:

> This discussion bears a lot of similarity to the argument about
> inheritance, and Go solved that issue rather elegantly with interfaces -
> describe the behavior you need instead of the types you'll accept. I'm
> wondering if there's a way to do the same thing with this problem.

I'm confused by this sentence, because the rest of your message seems to
describe Generics. Perhaps a different way to define constraints, but the
base mechanic of "enable a function to specify a set of types that might be
used and work generally over them" seems to be implied by what you write.
And that's what I would call "generics".

(FTR, BTW: Interfaces don't really solve the same problem set as
inheritance would. Embedding is intended to address the same problem as
inheritance, though. Interfaces are rather intended to solve a subset of
the problems generics solve as well, namely have one function work with a
variety of different types)

As I understand the proposal right now (and honestly, I don't understand it
> fully, and that's part of the issue)

I think it's important to remember that the generics design draft is
intended to fully discuss the design, including edge-cases, implementation
issues, how it would address different use-cases, open questions and
possible answers. It's not intended as teaching material or specification.

Personally, I would expect the actual specification of the design to be
around as long and around as complex as the "Properties of types and
values" section in the spec - perhaps a bit longer, perhaps a bit shorter

a function signature can either say "I will only accept a value with type
> X" or "I will accept a value with any type."

Not quite. Functions can already do this. It's that they can accept *types*
(not values). And they can specify an (possibly empty) interface the type
must implement, or a list of types that might be used (or both).

> Could there be another option? In Ian's reversing example, could the
> function signature say "I will accept an integer or a string, (but not a
> struct or a map)"?

Yes, the design supports this already (though, FTR, for that particular
function you really want it to work over *any* slice type, no matter what
the element type is).

> Or even better - Is there a way for the function signature to say, "I will
> accept any type that can be compared as greater-than or less-than"? This
> feels very Go-y.

This will also be possible, using a new `constraints` package (or similar).
That is, there will be a `constraints.Ordered` and similar for this purpose.

That way, by looking at the signature, you know what the function is going
> to try to be doing with it. But you also get the benefit of not having to
> write and maintain two essentially identical pieces of code that differ
> only by their type.

> This is less than half an idea, because I don't know exactly how you would
> do that. I'm hoping this thought will spur creativity in someone else.
> Maybe there could be some built in "generics" (using this term in a
> different way) like "Comparable" or "Addable" or "Sortable" or something,
> and you could use those keywords as a type in your function signature, but
> under the covers, the compiler would determine whether the value's type
> conforms. That's not a great idea, but maybe someone can improve on it?
> Or could there be something similar to interfaces, where a property (or
> set of properties) could be required instead of a set of methods? Could
> built-in primitive types have properties added as Comparable or Addable or
> something? Again, this solution feels clunky and not the right answer, but
> it feels like there's a great solution somewhere in this direction.
> On Wed, Dec 30, 2020, 8:37 AM Vivi <createmap4...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm sure my thought is off-topic and is not applicable, I shall give a
>> try after seeing the trends in programming and non-programming world. There
>> is an "overlap" between Generic and non-Generic. If it can be solve between
>> the two sides, that's easy with "translation" to and back?
>> When we have a language barrier, Google Translator makes that possible or
>> ignore everything I said here.
>> When Go can cross-compile to different OS architectures, it could be
>> applicable for source code as well.
>> On Wednesday, 30 December 2020 at 20:27:15 UTC+8 Space A. wrote:
>>> Go doesn't have classes and is not an OOP language.
>>> Classes (like in Java) vs structs (like in Go) is about inheritance vs
>>> composition, not about attaching fields and methods. Inheritance implies
>>> type hierarchy, child and parent, virtual functions, abstract and final
>>> implementations and so on so forth to keep this all of this manageable.
>>> вторник, 29 декабря 2020 г. в 23:27:45 UTC+3, Alex Besogonov:
>>>> Please, stop being so condescending to newcomers and non-professional
>>>> developers. Generics as uses by end-users will improve their experience,
>>>> not make it harder.
>>>> (And what is this obsession with "classes"? Go has them - structs with
>>>> methods are classes).
>>>> On Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at 1:32:30 AM UTC-8
>>>> rickti...@googlemail.com wrote:
>>>>> My point of view is that Generics should not become part of the Go
>>>>> standard library. I appreciate there are use cases where it is very 
>>>>> helpful
>>>>> to have, but I do not believe that adds value to Go. The real value for Go
>>>>> is it's simplicity, avoidance of generics and avoidance of classes. This
>>>>> makes the language accessible and approachable to all, which is
>>>>> increasingly more valuable. Go appeals to new-comers and experienced
>>>>> developers because it is simple, and comfortable. The rate of uptake in
>>>>> computing technology is still subject to Moores law, and today we see a 
>>>>> new
>>>>> type of programmer emerging, the 'citizen developer'.
>>>>> Go follows time proven computational concepts, it does not follow the
>>>>> 'new paradigm' tribes, it's roots are firmly planted in statically typed
>>>>> procedural/functional programming techniques, and this maps well to much 
>>>>> of
>>>>> the literature available. The growth of entry level developers ( aka
>>>>> 'citizen developers' ) will be exponential over the next decade, and in
>>>>> that landscape it is Go's simplicity that will win the day.
>>>>> On Monday, 28 December 2020 at 17:35:40 UTC L Godioleskky wrote:
>>>>>> " If generics gets added to Go, we're opening a very dangerous door,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> it will be the downfall of Go because - and Robert Griesemer this is
>>>>>> especially addressed to you - what's next then? Seriously, what's
>>>>>> next? ... "
>>>>>> .. AI, followed by cryto currency and asexual repoduction
>>>>>> On Tuesday, December 22, 2020 at 5:09:05 AM UTC-5 Martin Hanson wrote:
>>>>>>> No polls. It's not a matter of majority rule!
>>>>>>> It's a matter of understanding why generics was left out of Go from
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> start, like classes was left out of Go. If we start adding stuff
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> the original developers of Go left out by purpose, we're not
>>>>>>> understanding the design choices that went into Go, which is exactly
>>>>>>> what makes Go unique!
>>>>>>> Go was a major slap in the face to all the hype that has polluted
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> programming industry for the past 30-40 years, which is why Go got
>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>> much hate in the beginning from all the hype loving people.
>>>>>>> If you want to add generics to Go, if you want to change how errors
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> handled, if you want X, Y or Z feature that Java, C++, or some other
>>>>>>> complex language has got, then go use that language! Why are you
>>>>>>> even
>>>>>>> here!?
>>>>>>> The design choices that went into Go was not made randomly, nor were
>>>>>>> they made by just anyone. Please understand that the people who
>>>>>>> designed Go, and we all know who they are, had/has tons of
>>>>>>> experience
>>>>>>> and the pragmatic approach they took is what make Go stand out so
>>>>>>> beautifully!
>>>>>>> If generics gets added to Go, we're opening a very dangerous door,
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> it will be the downfall of Go because - and Robert Griesemer this is
>>>>>>> especially addressed to you - what's next then? Seriously, what's
>>>>>>> next?
>>>>>>> Let the community decide by majority!? Is that how we design a
>>>>>>> professional programming language now? By majority rule?! NO! The
>>>>>>> majority is all about hype and shine.
>>>>>>> Adding generics to Go will rip out the spine of the philosophy of Go
>>>>>>> and I for one will not be a part of that. I have more than 30 years
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> experience in the business and I fully understand why generics and
>>>>>>> classes and all the other clutter was left out of Go.
>>>>>>> If generics gets added to Go, we're a big enough part of the
>>>>>>> community,
>>>>>>> that passionately hate that, that we can manage to fork Go - which I
>>>>>>> strongly believe will then be the right thing to do!
>>>>>> --
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