As others have said, lots of secret sauce which includes the instruction
set for the function blocks in silicon.
Thus there is no assembler for the compiler that generates the code.  Other
chunks of the necessary tool chain are also absent or homegrown (no
document other than source).

The best advice is to look at the installation scripts that bind secret
sauce to the exposed API wrapper.
Look at wrappers and install scripts for the same GPU on multiple systems
if you can.

Decades ago I had to be careful when debugging customer problems because
depending on the graphics engine you could walk down customer code to GL
library and system C and ASM code to a off the shelf digital signal
processor code and then custrom processors in VHDL. The C&ASM->hardware
transition was almost seamless to a reader with a good tag file and the
full source.  Functional symbols inside the graphics library drivers were
not intended to be used except by the GL but some were too tempting and
those symbols had to be edited out of shipped binary objects to clarify the
ABI and keep the system stable.

Ask nicely for help from the vendor.
I would assert() that GO could be more useful in large clusters of GPU rich
systems if facilitated.
Beware bogus asserts().

On Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 8:52 AM Nikolay Dubina <>

> I tried to write down my own CUDA / NVIDIA GPU driver in native Go last
> weekend. To my great surprise, CUDA and pretty much all high performance
> software/hardware from NVIDIA is proprietary close-source C/C++ code.
> Meaning, you can't write native Go driver even if you wanted to. Forget Go,
> people are trying to reverse engineer it in C/C++ with limited success.
> From what I heard OpenCV is not a priority for NVIDIA either. Then I looked
> up what Apple is doing with their Neural Engine in latest chips. It too is
> closed-source Objective-C, Swift. I suspect situation with other powerful
> hardware is the same. Moore's law seem to be about GPU lately, and everyone
> is locking it in. Kind of not in the spirit open-source and Linux. That's
> quite bad state of affairs for Go and computing in general. Yikes!
> Just want to see what others are thinking.
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