*** Roland Müller [2021-08-23 19:47]:
>What are the alternatives to Makefile that are used by Go developers?
>Please comment :-)

The best thing I saw, that literally completely changed my life is DJB's
redo build system. I replaced everything related to Makefile in all my
projects, gaining simplicity, reliable builds, huge convenience,
portability, good parallelizability and so on, so on. There are various
redo's implementation and redo-inspired creations, but I have created my
own, written on Go, the best one I saw from features and performance
point of view: http://www.goredo.cypherpunks.ru/
https://habr.com/ru/post/517490/ (my post on russian)
Nothing compares to its simplicity and still covering *all* Makefile's
use-cases and many more. However Go takes over much work out-of-box, so
there is not need to make rules for .o/.h/CFLAGS/whatever targets.

Sergey Matveev (http://www.stargrave.org/)
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