On Tue Jun 27, 2023 at 00:09 CET, Eltjon Metko wrote:
> > I find this a strange stance, given that most of the people actually 
> participating in the protest are unpaid volunteers. So I don't see how
> that
> can be considered a "commercial dispute", to be honest.
> The commercial dispute is between Reddit and API Consumers. it has
> nothing to do with mods or the users. No-mater how certain you may be
> who is in the right and who is in the wrong, the most certain thing here
> is that there is great part of the commuinty who are being held hostage
> and used as tool for commercial disupute that has nothing to do with
> them or this subredit. To be clear I am not accusing the mods of Golang
> subredit for being in a powertrip (because initally it did not come from
> them) but other users who try to force their narrow worldview onto
> others. If this was an ethics issue, depnding on how clear it is there
> might be ground for protests, commercial disputes should never be ground
> for holding even a fraction of the users hostage.

could we please not use this "holding hostage" expression to describe a
situation that has *nothing* to do (in intensity, dire consequences and
life threatening aspects) with a *real* hostage situation ?

I am sure in english there are many more fitting idioms to use for a
situation where people use their right to express their opinions in
whatever pacific modus operandi they chose to use.

[Personally, I see this as an opportunity to switch to a more
FOSS-friendly alternative: kbin, lemmy, you name it, as long as it
rhymes with fediverse.]


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