"Whenever two models share a row or column, at least one of the two must be
a +."
Therefore, it is not possible to have two x's share a row, nor share a
column, that would violate this rule (neither of them are + if both are x).
It is also not possible for two o's to share a row or column, as this would
violate the same rule (neither of them are + if both are o).
It is still not possible for an o and an x to share a row or column,
because neither of these are +

If two xs cannot share a row or column, and cannot share a row or column
with an o, I think you can see why these feel like rooks.

On Wed, 12 Apr 2017 at 16:32 Alexander Lukyanov <lavv...@gmail.com> wrote:

I must be missing something, but I don't understand how in the problem D
the rules are restated from

    Whenever any two models share a row or column, at least one of the two
must be a +.
    Whenever any two models share a diagonal of the grid, at least one of
the two must be an x.


    The + models are bishops. Two bishops may not occupy the same diagonal.
    The x models are rooks. Two rooks may not occupy the same row or column.
    The o pieces are queens. Two queens may not occupy the same row,
column, or diagonal. Moreover, a queen and a bishop may not occupy the same
diagonal; a queen and a rook may not occupy the same row or column.

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