Hi, I initially approached this using the same way as in the analysis of 
the problem, but I thought I found a better solution. However, it kept 
giving me WA and I am trying to figure out why. It passes all the examples 
successfully as far as I can tell. 

Could someone please help me out? 

Thanks. The code is below in java. 

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Solution {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner in = new Scanner(new BufferedReader(new 
        int t = in.nextInt(); // Scanner has functions to read ints, longs, 
strings, chars, etc.
        for (int i = 1; i <= t; ++i) {
            int n = in.nextInt();
            //schedules for c and j false is free true is busy 0-1440
            int[] c = new int[1441];
            int[] j = new int[1441];
            boolean busyC = false;
            boolean busyJ = false;
            boolean impossibleFlag = false;
            int start = 0;
            int end = 0;
            String output = "";
            //go through n tasks to try and assign
            for(int x=1; x<=n; x++){
                start = in.nextInt();
                end = in.nextInt();
                if(!impossibleFlag) {
                    for(int k=start; k<end; k++){
                        //check schedule for c and j
                            busyC = true;
                            busyJ = true;
                        //fill C's schedule
                         for(int k=start; k<end; k++){
                             c[k] = 1;
                    else if(!busyJ){
                        //fill J's schedule
                        for(int k=start; k<end; k++){
                            j[k] = 1;
                        impossibleFlag = true;
            System.out.println("Case #" + i + ": " + output);

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