Ahh, I see.  The Map visualization expects at least one data point, and 
there is no way to override that behavior.

On Monday, September 1, 2014 12:00:49 PM UTC-4, cyb wrote:
> Hi,
> ok i have created a simple example in jsfiddle and there is the same 
> error(i use chrome as browser):
> This error appears only if the rows[] array is empty for example if the 
> getFilteredRows() method finds nothing..
> http://jsfiddle.net/cyb2k/z8s8t1tb/10/
> you must open the console and wait maybe a few seconds then the error in 
> my picture above appears. If you click with the mouse on the chart it 
> produces more errors..
> Am Montag, 1. September 2014 16:19:23 UTC+2 schrieb Andrew Gallant:
>> Can you create a simplified example that demonstrate this behavior so I 
>> can test it?
>> On Sunday, August 31, 2014 5:36:38 PM UTC-4, cyb wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> ok i have found another problem..  i use the "Map" Chart with a 
>>> chartWrapper and i build a filtered view like this(I use the latitude 
>>> longitude mode):
>>> var filteredView ={columns : [0,1,2], rows : 
>>> dataTable.getFilteredRows([{column: 2, minValue: 100, maxValue: null}])};
>>> so for example the minValue is 100, but 100 did not exists in the 
>>> DataTable. This is no problem by other charts but if the 
>>>  dataTable.getFilteredRows() method did not find any results and i give 
>>> this view to my chartWrapper it throws an ugly error message. It looks like 
>>> this:
>>> <https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-c1ksluWoPu4/VAOUHMfNZnI/AAAAAAAAAAM/4wUY_iPR-eI/s1600/GeoMAPerror.PNG>
>>> How can i solve this problem if my filter did not find a result ? Can i 
>>> display an empty chart or an chart with no markers ?
>>> and the problem that "chartWrapper.getChart().clearChart();" is not 
>>> working with a  "Map" Chart, still exists...
>>> Am Sonntag, 31. August 2014 00:52:53 UTC+2 schrieb cyb:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> ok i have fixed the problem, i did transform Column 3 in a String and 
>>>> add a tooltip directliy in my view like this:
>>>> var toolTip=[
>>>>                                 {
>>>>                                     type: 'string',
>>>>                                     role: 'tooltip',
>>>>                                     calc: function(dt,row){
>>>>                                         return 
>>>> 'Column:'+dt.getColumnLabel(3);
>>>>                                     }
>>>>                                 }
>>>>                             ];
>>>> the only problem is now, that the markers are to big, can i adjust the 
>>>> size of all markers in the options ? i need only one size for all markers!
>>>> and i have a second Question..
>>>> i have tried the Geo MAP, there is the same problem with Strings, but 
>>>> my custom tooltip above did not work there! is it possible to add custom 
>>>> tooltips to the Geo MAP(google maps) !?
>>>> and i use a chartwrapper... normally i clear my chart 
>>>> with "chartWrapper.getChart().clearChart();" but this did not work with 
>>>> google maps, is there something similar to clear the chart if i use google 
>>>> maps !?
>>>> Am Freitag, 29. August 2014 23:57:24 UTC+2 schrieb cyb:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> i want implement a GeoChart 
>>>>> https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/geochart?hl=de
>>>>> i have a DataTable with some Date Values but it seems that a GeoChart 
>>>>> can not handle Date values, is this true ?
>>>>> then i have tried to stringify my Date Values, this works but then the 
>>>>> tooltips did only show the value!
>>>>> if you go to this page 
>>>>> https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/geochart?hl=de
>>>>> and open the first jsfiddle link. 
>>>>> The Tooltip shows for Canada:
>>>>> Canada
>>>>> Popularity: 500
>>>>> this is correct, but if i replace the numbers with strings like this:
>>>>>         var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
>>>>>           ['Country', 'Popularity'],
>>>>>           ['Germany', 'A'],
>>>>>           ['United States', 'B'],
>>>>>           ['Brazil', 'C'],
>>>>>           ['Canada', 'D'],
>>>>>           ['France', 'E'],
>>>>>           ['RU', 'F']
>>>>>         ]);
>>>>> it shows only "D" but i want this:
>>>>> Canada
>>>>> Popularity: D
>>>>> how can i fix this !?
>>>>> The same problem is with the latitude and longitude mode!
>>>>> i use a DataWrapper and i build my own view, i do the stringify like 
>>>>> this:
>>>>> var latLongView=[0,1];
>>>>>  var xyViewStringify = [
>>>>>                     {
>>>>>                         sourceColumn: 2,
>>>>>                         type: 'string',
>>>>>                         calc: 'stringify'
>>>>>                     }
>>>>>                 ];
>>>>>                 //-----------------------------------
>>>>>                 latLongView.push.apply(latLongView, xyViewStringify);
>>>>> this works but the problem is the wrong tooltip!!

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