Hi Laura,

There are a few problems with your code that are preventing you from
getting it working. The first is that you specified your chartArea options
as strings, when they should be numbers. Our options are not like CSS, and
do not support different units. Everything for us is measured in pixels.

The other thing is that you want to set your chart area to be 900x900
pixels, which is bigger than the chart itself. My strong advice would be to
specify the chart width and height options explicitly in the options (those
should also just be numbers). You should get something like this if you did
everything right: http://jsfiddle.net/g079sdqv/

On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 8:01 AM Laura Johnson <brewbea...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sergey,
> I took your comments about the CSS to heart and removed all sizing from
> the critical divs. and sized down the text overlays for now.
> Here's my code now:
>   <html>
>   <head>
>     <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi
> "></script>
>     <script type="text/javascript">
>     google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]});
>     google.setOnLoadCallback(drawSeriesChart);
>     function drawSeriesChart() {
>         var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable({!MatrixData});
>       var options = {
>         chartArea:  {
>             width: '900px',
>             height: '900px',
>             },
>            title: 'Visualization',
>         hAxis: {
>             title: 'System Score',
>             baseline: 0,
>             maxValue: 4,
>             ticks: [2,4]
>         },
>         vAxis: {
>             title: 'Financial Score',
>             baseline: 0,
>             maxValue: 4,
>             ticks: [2,4]
>         },
>         bubble: {
>             textStyle: {fontSize: 11},
>             opacity: .6
>                 },
>            series: {'High': {color: 'red'},
>                 'Medium': {color: 'yellow'},
>                  'Low': {color: 'green'}
>                 },
>         sizeAxis: {
>               minValue: 3.5,
>               maxValue: 25,
>                   },
>         backgroundColor: 'transparent',
>      };
>       var chart = new
> google.visualization.BubbleChart(document.getElementById('series_chart_div'));
>       chart.draw(data, options);
>     }
>     </script>
>       <style>
>           #series_chart_div
>           {
>           }
>      .chartWithOverlay {
>            position: relative;
>                 }
>      .overlay {
>           position: absolute;
>            top: 40px;   /* chartArea top  */
>            left: 90px; /* chartArea left */
>               }
>      #trad, #private, #outsourced, #commercial
>      {
>          height:50px;
>           width: 100px;
>           margin:0;
>           font-size: 14px;
>           text-align:center;
>           }
>       </style>
>   </head>
>   <body>
>       <div class="chartWithOverlay">
>           <div id="series_chart_div" >
>            </div>
>           <div class="overlay">
>               <div >
> <div id="private" style="margin-top:0px; margin-left:0px;
> float:left;">Private</div>
>           <div id="commercial" style="margin-top:0px;
> margin-left:301px;">Commercial</div>
>               </div>
>               <div >
>                 <div id="trad" style="margin-top:0px;
> margin-left:0px;">Traditional</div>
>                    <div id="outsourced" style="margin-top:0px;
> margin-left:5px;">Outsourced</div>
>               </div>
>           </div>
>       </div>
>        </body>
> </html>
> Note that I added the chartArea sizing with no results. Your thoughts? Am
> I moving in the right direction at least (although I don't see much
> movement in any direction, right now!)?
> Laura
> On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 3:15:42 PM UTC-5, Sergey wrote:
>> It looks like you have some interesting CSS there that does weird things
>> with the positioning of the chart, and it also looks like there's no height
>> specified for the chart. If your intention is that the chart will be a
>> consistent width/height, and simply want your chart area to be square, you
>> can just set the chartArea.width/height options to be the values that you
>> want, because the chart will never give you a square chart area by default.
>> On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 2:54 PM Laura Johnson <brewb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Sergey,
>>> I'm sorry - but the data is behind a firewall so I can't provide a
>>> working copy.
>>> I have attached a .txt file with the html, .js, and .css. Maybe this
>>> will help?
>>> L.
>>> On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 2:49:09 PM UTC-5, Sergey wrote:
>>>> The most important bit is your JavaScript, but a fully working example
>>>> (where a chart is drawn and demonstrates your issue) is far preferable.
>>>> On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 2:33 PM Laura Johnson <brewb...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Sergey,
>>>>> I'm assuming you'd need me to provide the CSS and HTML, correct? Or
>>>>> the whole page?
>>>>> Laura
>>>>> On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 2:23:17 PM UTC-5, Sergey wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Laura,
>>>>>> The size of the table shouldn't affect your chart area. My guess (as
>>>>>> that's all I can do without any actual code to look at) is that you're
>>>>>> setting the chartArea.height option and are doing so in an odd way. I'm
>>>>>> afraid I don't have any more advice for you without any code to look at.
>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 2:11 PM Laura Johnson <brewb...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> I am building a bubble chart and have it working properly except for
>>>>>>> the size.  I want the height of the Y axis to remain the same as the 
>>>>>>> length
>>>>>>> of the X axis regardless of the number of bubbles.
>>>>>>> What I'm seeing is that fewer bubbles results in a smaller table, as
>>>>>>> shown in the attached screenshot. (Ignore the gradient thing, 
>>>>>>> please...my
>>>>>>> overlay issues are another thread!)
>>>>>>> I've tried to set height and min-height on the chart CSS class to no
>>>>>>> avail.
>>>>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>>>>> Laura
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