I add role : annotation ! :D

Em terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2018 14:33:37 UTC-3, Ricardo Milbrath 
> I need the values ​​of each point to appear when the graph is loaded, 
> without having to move the mouse to appear and show the result of the 
> point, follow image and the code of the graph
> [image: Capturar.PNG]
> And Code: 
> <script type="text/javascript" src="
> https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js";></script>
>     <script type="text/javascript">
>       google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart']});
>       google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);
>       function drawChart() {
>         var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
>           ['', 'Limite', 'Resultado'],                                    
>                      <?php
>       while (($array = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_BOTH)) != false) {
>                $mes= $array["MES"];
>                $limite_1 = $array["LIMITE"];
>                $realizado_1 = $array["REALIZADO"];
>                $realizado = str_replace(",",".", $realizado_1);
>                $limite = str_replace(",",".", $limite_1);
>               ?>                               
>           ['<?php echo $mes ?>',<?php echo $limite ?>,<?php echo 
> $realizado ?>],
>          <?php } ?>
>         ]);
>         var options = {
>           title: '% Quebra Financeira Açougue',
>           curveType: 'function',
>           legend: { position: 'bottom' }
>         };
>         var chart = new 
> google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('curve_chart1'));
>         chart.draw(data, options);
>       }
>     </script>
> :)

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