 I'm listening from a long time on this mailing list and I'm still wondering
if it's the right place for my questions ...

 I'm just finished a small integration between Spring - Spring Security &&
GWT. It's allow to handler Authentication accross/during the GWT-RPC calls.


There is a war sample as featured download.

1) I've encountered a problem with the resolution of the Serialization file
in hosted mode, because the shell servlet uses a ServletContextProxy which
is not available in the a javax.servlet.Filter (Spring Security uses
My work around in hosted mode is to ask this resources (IUZIUZUI.gwt.rpc) to
the shell servlet using an HTTP request (it's not very efficient, but in
hosted mode in not a big deal). Is there a cleaner solution ?

2) More generally, what is the policies to post on this (contrib) mailing
list. Is such a project, even if it's mainly a server side integration might
be considered as a GWT contribution or should it be see exclusively as a
Spring contribution.


"Quand le dernier arbre sera abattu, la dernière rivière asséchée, le
dernier poisson péché, l'homme va s'apercevoir que l'argent n'est pas
     - proverbe indien Cri


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