I think any interested party ought to be able to try the decompiler route
and see what happens. God knows how weird it might look, but I see no
obvious reason that it shouldn't work. Takers?

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Ian Petersen <ispet...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:06 AM, Joel Webber <j...@google.com> wrote:
> > scalac + a decompiler ought to do the trick, roughly. But you'd still end
> up
> > with a bunch of big ugly Java constructs for things like functions, case
> > classes, pattern matching, and the like. And while I'd love to see what
> > would happen to that code if you ran it through gwtc, I'm guessing it
> would
> > be rather suboptimal relative to what you'd get if you took the (scala ->
> > (some better IR) -> js) path.
> It might be worth it to make scalac -> decompiler -> gwtc a supported
> option, just to find out how much interest there really is in Scala ->
> JS.  If there's only three people in the world who want Scala -> JS,
> it's really up to Lex if he wants to spend his lunches supporting
> them.  On the other hand, there might be enough people interested in
> Scala -> JS that it's worth putting a hold on the Java -> JS polish to
> get proper support for Scala working RSN.
> Just a thought.
> Ian
> >


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