What about Fred Sauer's gwt voices project?
AFAK it has an elegant approach how to provide flash based fallback if
certain capabilities are not supported by the browser itself.

On 1 Feb., 14:25, Joel Webber <j...@google.com> wrote:
> To be clear, we do recognize the importance of starting to support HTML5
> constructs that don't work on all browsers, though we need to find a clear
> way to indicate to developers that a particular library or widget won't work
> in some cases. None of us have ever worked through all the nuances of how
> this should be done yet, and probably won't have time to do so until at
> least Q2. That said, if you want to start the discussion, I'm all ears!
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 10:44 AM, Ray Ryan <rj...@google.com> wrote:
> > As you'll see in the first note in this thread, Incubator is closing down.
> > Having your work in its own project is exactly the right thing to do. If it
> > becomes an appropriate addition for GWT proper, we'll eagerly help you
> > integrate it. In the meantime, the community can use it and shape it without
> > waiting for the GWT team to get in the mix.
> > rjrjr
> > On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 4:56 AM, Mark Renouf <mark.ren...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >> I've developed "gwt-html5-media", which implements all the common
> >> functionality described in the "Media Element" section of the HTML5
> >> spec, including the specific functionality for Video and Audio tags,
> >> including all of the events and settings. I could use some help
> >> testing and improving it and perhaps some advice on how to better
> >> handle usage of the large number of new native events available
> >> (currently side-steps the main GWT sinkEvents code instead using it's
> >> own, since it exhausts the available number of free bitfield
> >> definitions there).
> >>http://code.google.com/p/gwt-html5-media/
> >> Would something like this be welcome in incubator or simply as a side
> >> project for eventual inclusion into GWT? I'd like to see the HTML5
> >> support rounded out so this plus the Canvas support would me a major
> >> step forward. I know there is also another pure-canvas implementation
> >> for GWT within the SpeedTracer project. I'm not sure if VML fallback
> >> is worth the complexity if the only browser supporting it does not
> >> support any other HTML5 features anyhow... but that's a point for
> >> debate elsewhere I suppose ;-)
> >> On Jan 12, 1:04 pm, John LaBanca <jlaba...@google.com> wrote:
> >> > Incubator Users -
> >> > The Google Web Toolkit Incubator project began as a proving grounds for
> >> new
> >> > widgets to be vetted before joining the ranks of the GWT trunk. We've
> >> seen
> >> > some success stories over the last year with EventHandlers,
> >> ClientBundle,
> >> > and DatePicker, but for many of the widgets and libraries, Incubator has
> >> > become an elephant graveyard.
> >> > In order to address this issue, we will start graduating some of the
> >> > libraries to GWT trunk, move some into separate projects, and
> >> discontinue
> >> > development on others. Ultimately, we will wind down the incubator
> >> project
> >> > completely.
> >> > The schedule below shows the fate of each subproject in incubator. It's
> >> a
> >> > tentative schedule, meaning that it could change as priorities shift.
> >> > GWT 2.1
> >> >    - *PagingScrollTable and FastTree*
> >> >    We are working on a new set of data backed widgets for GWT 2.1 that
> >> will
> >> >    include APIs for trees and tables. We will build upon the lessons
> >> learned
> >> >    with these incubator widgets, but the API for the new data backed
> >> widgets
> >> >    will evolve significantly from the current APIs. When the data backed
> >> >    widgets are added to GWT trunk, we will stop development on
> >> >    the PagingScrollTable and FastTree.
> >> >    - *Locale Selection*
> >> >    Selecting the locale on the server requires one less round trip to
> >> the
> >> >    server on startup and is needed for effective use of
> >> >    runtime locales selection.  This library will be included in GWT 2.1.
> >> > GWT 2.2
> >> >    - *CollapsiblePanel*
> >> >    This widget will probably become a subclass of DockingLayoutPanel,
> >> >    similar to SplitLayoutPanel.
> >> >    - *SliderBar and ProgressBar*
> >> >    Both of these widgets currently require the use of a global timer,
> >> which
> >> >    has performance implications. If we can implement these without a
> >> resize
> >> >    timer, we will include them in GWT 2.2. If we cannot, we will
> >> discontinue
> >> >    development on them.
> >> >    - *Logging*
> >> >    The logging API may make it into GWT 2.1 if time permits.
> >> >    - *Form Validation*
> >> >    We will take a closer look at the form validation API in GWT 2.2..
> >> > Separate Project:
> >> >    - *SoundResource*
> >> >    SoundResource is a promising API for including sound in an
> >> application,
> >> >    but it makes sense to wait for HTML 5 features to become widely
> >> adopted
> >> >    before including it. We would like to move SoundResource into the
> >> gwt-voices
> >> >    project:http://code.google.com/p/gwt-voices/.
> >> >    - *Graphics*
> >> >    The graphics library provides a single, platform independent API that
> >> >    works on top of Canvas and VML. The library is not ready for GWT
> >> trunk, but
> >> >    this project is worth pursuing.
> >> >    - *HtmlDecorators*
> >> >    We will continue to work on this project to arbitrarily add
> >> decorations
> >> >    to widgets.
> >> > As always, please feel free to reply with comments or suggestions.
> >> > Thanks,
> >> > John LaBanca
> >> > on behalf of the GWT team
> >> --
> >>http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors
> > --
> > I wish this were a Wave
> > --
> >http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors


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