That's fine, I just wanted to ensure changes would be sent back to
codehaus Jira to avoid some sort of fork - we allready hardly merged
the codehaus & googlecode gwt-maven plugins !

I'd be pleased to help if you plan to support some SDK features in an
official GWT Maven plugin
The codeHaus plugin is complex because it supports all GWT 1.4+
releases from same code base. A maven plugin developped/deployed in
sync with the SDK would be far simplier. It also overlap with some
features of Google Eclipse plugin (ex: Async interface generation)
that may be reused as is.

Maybe you could start a poll/moderator to check how many GWT
developpers are Maven users and what they think about Maven support in


On 21 mai, 01:26, Ray Cromwell <> wrote:
> Nicolas,
>   Sorry I didn't give you a heads up, I had to patch some things at
> the last minute for Google I/O Keynote, and I did not think there was
> sufficient time to turn around a patch and get it committed, so
> temporarily, there's a forked maven plugin (the version #
> should give it away that it's s one-off), but in due time, after I
> decompress from I/O, I'll send you my changes, and you can tell me if
> they're necessary or not, or if there is an alternative workaround.
> -Ray
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 3:56 AM, nicolas de loof
> <> wrote:
> > Hi
> > I'm the maintainer of codehaus-mojo gwt-maven-plugin and I wonder the plugin
> > is deployed with a "" version
> > at
> > Is it a "internal release" of the codehaus trunk to get a fixed version, or
> > a custom build with some fixes ?
> > Do you plan to add support for Maven as a standard GWT feature ? I'd be
> > pleased to contribute and deprecate the mojo plugin in such case.
> > Nicolas
> > --
> >
> --


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