On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > implementation you want, even with the stock Proxy{,List}Place places.
>> No it's not.  This is the tokens returns by RequestFactory based on
>> your record classes.  The *Place objects that you use have no bearing
>> on what these methods produce.  The place tokenizer has nothing to do
>> with this other that it uses RequestFactory to get these tokens and
>> get back a Class<?> back from the tokens.
> I'm sorry but I don't understand.
> 1. Ray C said that the goal was that there is some obfuscation going
> on, to be added later on what RequestFactory.getToken/getProxy returns/
> expects.

I know, I responded to your comment.

> 2. I added that this is only used by ProxyPlace.Tokenizer (and I
> really see RequestFactory.getToken/getProxy as helper methods for
> ProxyPlace.Tokenizer), that you're free to *not* use.
> I understand this is feedback on RequestFactory.getToken return values
> (though it wasn't very clear) but yet again, Ray C responded to your
> complaint and in case you'd like to deliver a version of your app
> without waiting for this to be fixed/enhanced, you can workaround it
> by providing your own PlaceTokenizer.

I don't see what this has to do with anything.  We do have our own
place tokenizer but it doesn't mean there isn't value in being able to
get a history token from RequestFactory for something that isn't a
record.  Right now, anything that has a getId() would be sufficient

>> >> 2. Tokens in RequestFactory only work with Record based classes.  I
>> >> think that's a shame.  Will another facility supplement this?  Because
>> >> if tokens from gwt will only support Record, why even bother with
>> >> ProxyPlace?  Just make a goTo method in PlaceController that takes a
>> >> record.  I would prefer to have tokens for a place directly.  I think
>> >> that can be accomplished by having multiple place tokenizers however,
>> >> one per place.
>> > I don't understand. Of course RequestFactory only deals with Records,
>> > but that's totally independent from Places and History tokens (well,
>> Why "of course"?  RequestFactory means a factory of "requests", not a
>> factory of "records".  You can use RequestFactory to fire requests
>> that don't have any records, e.g.,
>> RequestObject<Long> getMeALongNotUsingARecord(Long param1, Long param2);
>> no [record] here.
> Yes, you can, but (correct me if I'm wrong):
> 1. anything more complex than a primitive type or its wrapper class, a
> Date, or a String has to be a Record

I would use a Record yes but it doesn't have to be.

> 2. you'd have to make your own Place and PlaceTokenizer for those, so
> why bother asking RequestFactory for a token? (have I said I do think
> getToken/getProxy are really "just" helpers for
> ProxyPlace.Tokenizer? ;-) )

But why should they be limited to ProxyPlace?  You understand this is
a toolkit and it's trying to do work that we would otherwise need to
do?  If they are are helpers only for Proxy*Place and only
Proxy*Place, why make them so visible by having them in

> You used the expression "tokens from GWT", which I understood as
> "history management", which *of course* are not limited to records; so
> there's really a reason to "bother" with ProxyPlace.
> Having a goTo(Record) in PlaceController would make it depend on
> RequestFactory, which would be bad design (as long as you don't use
> ProxyPlace and ProxyListPlace, you can very well use PlaceController
> and PlaceHistoryHandler without using RequestFactory at all).
> I'd add that having a PlaceTokenizer *per place* is by-design; this is
> very different from gwt-presenter which has a single PlaceFormatter to
> handle all places.

A place tokenizer per place is a lot of boiler plate code.  Even if
you try to minimize the impact.  Again, it's clear to me that the goal
of 2.1 is developer productivity.  Hence, I don't think this follows
the spirit of it.

The comment on goTo taken a record is not me asking you to explain to
me why it's bad design or me asking to actually have goTo take a
record.  I'm announcing it to make a point, where things have been
made too narrow for real usage.

>> > I haven't seen any limitation in PlaceHistoryHandler forbidding its
>> > use with places other the the provided Proxy{,List}Place; of course,
>> > for those places, you'd have to provide your own PlaceTokenizer.
>> That's what I am currently doing.
> have you tried using ProxyPlace (provided what it represents –an
> "operation" on a particular record– suits your needs) with a custom
> PlaceTokenizer?

I did and failed.  ProxyPlace means assuming 1:1 between record and
activity.  We have a user record.  So edit on a user record means
either my preferences, other user or patient.  Again, before you
repeat what I said before in a different way, I did state this and
stated how you could accomplish this using ProxyPlace and
ActivityMapper.  The feedback was that it's too cumbersome to do it
this way hence we continued to use multiple places.

>> >> 3. Ultimately, I don't think the assumption that a record type is 1:1
>> >> to an activity.  The mapper stuff allows for this but is yet more
>> >> code.
>> > There's no such assumption AFAICT. And actually, for a given record
>> > type, ProxyPlace gives you 3 different places, and ProxyListPlace an
>> > additional one. You're then free to map those places to activities in
>> > your ActivityMapper. And of course you're free to not use Proxy{,List}
>> > Place at all.
>> There's is such an assumption in ProxyPlace because it requires a
>> record
> ProxyPlace (as I said above) represents "an operation on a record", so
> it of course requires a record. Not all places are record-related, but
> in this case you'd use another Place than a ProxyPlace.
> Let's say you have a "dashboard" as your "home page", you'll then
> create a DashboardPlace and its associated PlaceTokenizer. If you also
> have an "about page", you'll create an AboutPlace and its associated
> PlaceTokenizer, etc. (note that technically, you could also use a
> single PlaceTokenizer for multiple places if you liked)
> A Place answers the question "where am I?", a ProxyPlace is an answer
> of the form "doing something on this record", where "doing something"
> can be "creating", "seeing the details" or "editing", and "this
> record" being a record instance; and a ProxyListPlace is an answer of
> the form "a list of records of type X". Again, this is different from
> gwt-presenter (where you use a singleton Place per presenter –speaking
> from the examples, I cannot understand the exact flow of events/
> actions in gwt-presenter "trunk"–, and where a Place instance actually
> represents "some screen/activity", and the place has some added
> "state" the describes the actual "data" being displayed/edited/
> whatever).

I don't know what you're trying to say here, I'm not even going to try
to respond, it's too long

>> The other reason why that assumption is made is that
>> AbstractRecordEditActivity requires a record now.  Currently, there is
>> no way to build a proxy record, i.e., a record where all fields are
>> stale but the id, in code.
> Yes you can: use requestFactory.create()
> http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/source/browse/trunk/user/src/com/google/gwt/app/place/AbstractRecordListActivity.java#125

This produces a record who's id is set to a future from the future id
generator.  You have no way of setting the value of the id of the
newly created record.

> Yes, ActivityMappers are expected to be made of if/else around
> instanceof tests. And actually, Places are only expected to be used

and that is to be considered good design?

> from ActivityMappers (the ActivityMapper will setup the Activity with
> the appropriate "state", so an Activity doesn't need to know the
> Place, and I'd even say it shouldn't know about places at all, except
> for instantiating them to give them to PlaceController.goTo).
> See for example
> http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/source/browse/trunk/bikeshed/src/com/google/gwt/sample/expenses/gwt/client/ExpensesDetailsActivities.java
> (which only deals with ProxyPlace, but still does a check at the very
> start to make sure it doesn't deal with anything else; and the
> ExpensesEntityTypesProcessor (this is an implementation detail of apps
> generated by Roo; I guess it makes them easier to maintain by Roo when
> you add record types) does the same with the record types:
> http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/source/browse/trunk/bikeshed/src/com/google/gwt/sample/expenses/gwt/request/ExpensesEntityTypesProcessor.java#67

Again, I don't know why you keep me pointed out to the basics
considering I told you we have a large app that we're building with
GWT head.

>> To address your comment that this is the role of PlaceTokenizer, it
>> is, but currently, there is no standard PlaceTokenizer that handles
>> standard query parameters.
> And I don't think there should be. Though I think it should be easy to
> build one, and "frameworks" like gwt-presenter would probably given
> one to you.

Again, you do understand that GWT is a framework?  We've written one,
the feedback is that I believe it should be provided, feel free to

again, snipping more long things,

>> > It may sound a bit harsh but you've IMO been very badly influenced by
>> > gwt-presenter.
>> Is that really necessary?  We're building out a real, big application
>> and giving back feedback.
> I'm sorry, this was more directed to gwt-presenter than to you
> personnaly. As I said, I really dislike how gwt-presenter deals with
> places, and I think it doesn't "get" the concept of places.
> The reason I'm supporting GWT's approach is that the one I developed a
> year ago for our own apps is very similar (minus the notion of
> activities, but at the lower-level of Place, PlaceController,
> PlaceChangeEvent, and now PlaceTokenizer, there are many things in
> common).

So that makes it OK to ridicule the hard work that the gwt-presenter
maintainer did?  He stepped up after Google I/O 2009 and that's a lot
more than most people can say and just for the sake of full
disclosure, I do not know him.  Furthermore, it helped guide the
design of gwt 2.1 by providing use cases of what people were doing and
trying to do.  So far, I feel the place management work in GWT 2.1 is
good but could nonetheless gain insight into these comments and
gwt-presenter.  I would also say the large if-else statements of
instanceof on places is not something I look forward to and have
adopted a visitor pattern to take that out of the equation.  In any
case, feel free to continue this thread but I'm done.


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