On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 1:34 PM, John LaBanca <jlaba...@google.com> wrote:

> Let me clarify what I had in mind for replacing the default GWT appearance.
>  In the future, we might add a new DefaultAppearance implementation, but
> would leave the existing one.  We would probably give it some trendy name,
> like ModernAppearance or DefaultAppearance2013, leaving DefaultAppearance.
>  The GWT deferred binding for Appearance would be changed to point to
> DefaultAppearance2013.
> Using the default constructor will result in being automatically upgraded
> to the new appearance:
> new ButtonCell(); // Always uses the most recent Apperance.
> Using the Resources convenience constructor will use the old Appearance.
> new ButtonCell(myResources); // Uses DefaultAppearance.  May be deprecated
> when new appearances are added.
> We would add a new convenience constructor for the new Appearance:
> public ButtonCell(DefaultAppearance2013.Resources resources);
> There is no way around the fact that DefaultAppearance.Resources are tied
> to DefaultAppearance and won't carry over to the new DefaultAppearance2013.

That wouldn't have to be the case though would it?

Couldn't we stick the Resource in the Appearance, then if the new
DefaultAppearance2013 for Button doesn't need to add new css definitions,
there then is no need to add an additional constructor or change up the
style definitions. Should something happen where DefaultAppearance2013 needs
additional classes you still have the option of creating a new ctor for that
new theme, you've just given yourself some more options down the road. The
main drawback here is that the Appearance.Resources may have css classes
that are unused in descendant appearances. If that burden seems too high,
then there still is nothing stopping you from implementing the multiple ctor

We could add a setter for the Resource and do something like which could do
something like

public void onAttach(){

  if(resource == null){
    resource = *getDefaultResource();*

thus avoiding injecting unused styles.

You also could easily be getting into constructor hell here as you get to n
themes, you then require a minimum of n constructors and every time you add
a theme, you have to touch every FooWidget to add the appropriate
constructors. Seems like adding themes could become a nightmare.

> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 2:23 PM, Philippe Beaudoin <
> philippe.beaud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Jeff Larsen <larse...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > By forcing the user to do
>> >
>> > new DefaultAppearance(Resource)
>> >
>> > you're removing their ability to globally change the appearance. You've
>> now
>> > introduced a much tighter coupling than was there previously. As a for
>> > instance, lets say I wanted different button styles, I go ahead and
>> extend
>> > the ClientBundle and apply then everything gets styled to my liking.
>> > Now lets say there is some html5 new button hotness that we want to have
>> > access to, or we need to add different Aria support etc. I can swap out
>> the
>> > Appearance class globally with deferred binding by keeping both
>> constructors
>> > in its current form. By getting rid of the constructor, I have to find
>> every
>> > instance of my classes and change them programmatically to not use
>> > DefaultAppearance, but the new appearance. Now I'm good and I'm in a
>> even
>> > more difficult refactor if I need to change the appearance based on
>> > locale/browser etc.
>> In its current form, I don't think the constructor accepting a
>> CssResource lets GWT swap the default appearance without impacting the
>> user's code that relies on it. Let's look at your proposed
>> implementation for the constructor in question:
>>  // Replace the styles used by this cell instance.
>>  public ButtonCell(DefaultAppearance.Resources resources) {
>>    this(new DefaultAppearance(resources));
>>  }
>> This constructor is not using deferred binding. Therefore, if you want
>> user's code relying on it to switch to the new appearance you have to
>> roll-out a new implementation of the constructor. Let's say you do
>> that:
>>  // Replace the styles used by this cell instance.
>>  public ButtonCell(DefaultAppearance.Resources resources) {
>    this(new NewDefaultAppearance(resources));
>>  }
>> The problem, here, is that you are passing DefaultAppearance.Resources
>> to NewDefaultAppearance. It means that your new appearance
>> implementation cannot use CSS classes that did not exist in the
>> original CssResource. In fact, in the current implementation, the
>> CssResource is defined by the Appearance _implementation_ (it's
>> DefaultAppearance.Resource, not Appearance.Resource).
>> The confusion therefore is:
>> a) Will ButtonCell(DefaultAppearance.Resources resources) update its
>> appearance automatically when GWT upgrades to a new default
>> appearance; OR
>> b) Will it bind me forever to DefaultAppearance?
>> My proposition of dropping it was assuming you wanted to go with (b),
>> now I understand that you want the behavior of (a) -- which I agree is
>> much preferable -- but the current design does not seem to allow for
>> that goal. Maybe we should discuss ways to decouple the CssResource
>> from the Appearance implementations instead?
>> Also: I agree with the rest of your post and your reasoning.
>> --
>> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors


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