@dflorey -

We do plan to include some HTML5 widgets using the Appearance pattern.
 HTML5 widgets follow a cool pattern where you can inline the fallback into
the HTML5 element.  Browsers that do not support the HTML5 element naturally
show the fallback, while browsers that do support the HTML5 widgets hide the

<progress value="250" max="1000">
  <span id="downloadProgress">25</span>% <!-- Only visible if progress not
supported. -->
Source: http://www.quackit.com/html_5/tags/html_progress_tag.cfm

For performance, we will use deferred bindings if we know that the element
is or is not supported.  However, its ambiguous for some user agents.  For
example, older versions of webkit do not support progress, but newer
versions do.

In IE6, IE8 (will never support HTML5 elements):
<span id="downloadProgress">25</span>% <!-- Only visible if progress not
supported. -->

In all other browsers (might support the element now or in the future):
<progress value="250" max="1000">
  <span id="downloadProgress">25</span>% <!-- Only visible if progress not
supported. -->

John LaBanca

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 10:06 AM, dflorey <daniel.flo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am wondering if you are considering to use html5 widgets if available and
> provide a fallback gwt implementation for browsers that do not (yet) support
> widgets like
> http://slides.html5rocks.com/#semantic-tags-2
> I think in general GWT has the right tools for using native browser stuff
> whenever available and providing some js-pendants if they are not supported.


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