On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 12:23 PM, Scott Blum <sco...@google.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 9:57 AM, <zun...@google.com> wrote:
>> If we only write the cache to the same war dir subdirectory, then I
>> think my concerns with purging the cache are solved (the cache will be
>> in a well known place).  I'm still going to make an exception so that
>> setting a system property will allow the cache to be written to a
>> specific dir so we can support the caching from GWTShell invocations,
>> but I'll remove it from GWTCompiler, Precompile and PrecompileOneShard.
>> I'll change the key to lookup by resource name, but that's going to
>> cause some indigestion for the "spam error message" reduction patch I've
>> been working on.  If there is ambiguity caused by super source, then
>> that problem needs to be resolved anyway.
> It's not a true ambiguity....  imagine you're running two apps at once in
> dev mode.  The first module has a "com.example.Foo" at
> 'com/example/Foo.java'.  The second module has a totally different
> implementation because it uses super source to get the copy at
> 'com/example/super/com/example/Foo.java'.  These are literally two different
> compilation units with different source, mod times, and outputs.

FYI: I am adding a call to return the resource location to the
CompilationUnit to handle changing the key.

Eric Z. Ayers
Google Web Toolkit, Atlanta, GA USA


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