On 2011/03/22 21:59:31, scottb wrote:
High-level, my major issues at this point are:

1) MemoryUnitCache having anything to do with the on-disk cache.

2) Using PUC from entry points other than DevMode and Compiler
(although we
should seriously consider the JUnitShell use case).

3) Caching by type name instead of resource location.

If we only write the cache to the same war dir subdirectory, then I
think my concerns with purging the cache are solved (the cache will be
in a well known place).  I'm still going to make an exception so that
setting a system property will allow the cache to be written to a
specific dir so we can support the caching from GWTShell invocations,
but I'll remove it from GWTCompiler, Precompile and PrecompileOneShard.

I'll change the key to lookup by resource name, but that's going to
cause some indigestion for the "spam error message" reduction patch I've
been working on.  If there is ambiguity caused by super source, then
that problem needs to be resolved anyway.



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