On 2012/06/08 18:02:44, skybrian wrote:
Moving org.json into gwt-dev makes sense because the compiler actually
uses it.
I'd like to see it repackaged, but perhaps we can wait until someone

I'm not sure about validation. Many people don't use it and I sorta
think GWT's
validation support ought to be split out of gwt-user into a separate
jar. If
there's no actual bug than I'm inclined to leave it alone for now.

validation is needed by RF (Receiver#onConstraintViolations) and Editors
(EditorDriver#setConstraintViolations); not to mention RF on the server
side validating the domain objects (ReflectiveServiceLayer), but there's
gwt-servlet-deps.jar for that, that bundles json and validation.

But I wasn't around when these decisions were made, so I could use
historical context.

Looking at the commit logs, I found
The reviews discuss the bundling vs. no bundling options; it looks like
the no-bundling option was chosen as being more "Maven friendly" (which
is a false problem, as we're not publishing the same JARs as the ones
from the SDK), and not forcing everyone to use the version of
javax.validation that we bundle.
Given that there's a single javax.validation version to date, and I
expect we'll switch to a more modular build (using Maven) soon; before
1.1 comes out (see http://beanvalidation.org/ )

File dev/build.xml (right):

dev/build.xml:116: <fileset dir="${gwt.tools.redist}">
On 2012/06/08 18:02:44, skybrian wrote:
Do you know what the difference is between gwt.tools.lib and

Absolutely no idea. I suppose JSON was put there by mistake.

If we're going to include JSON here, I'm wondering if we should move
the jar to

Maybe. On the other hand, we're aiming at switching to Maven and we'd
then grab org.json:json from Central.
I'm going to spend my summer working on this (hoping it'll take way less
time than the summer ;-) )



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