> There are README files that explain it for each lib (BTW, GWT now uses
> guava-15.0, have a look at the Ant build files; Eclipse files might not
> always be up-to-date)

sorry, I missed that!
I see that there are rules (jarjar-rules) that explain the applied rebase.
Good for understanding it.

> You won't be able to do it. JDT and ICU, to mention a few, are not
> available there (or in any other Maven repo BTW)

At least for JDT and ICU (is it icu4j?) I see there are some recent
artifact on Maven Central Repo:
and maybe this ones

if in Maven Central Repo the exact version required by GWT is not
available, maybe GWT can be adapted with minor effort to what is available

> That was my plan when I was working on the Mavenization.

Yeah, I know. :-)
I actually have tried it, and I have a poms which shade Guava (15) and
JSilver and fit them into a maven build lifecycle.
I of course will share it if I achieve something good.

> How about just deploying those deps in a repo?

well, yes, I would like to have them deployed on Maven Central Repo ;-)

Thank you - as usual ;-) - Thomas,


P.S: I know Gradle can resolve dependencies from maven repos, I hope that -
even if GWT adopt Gradle and not Maven - at least dependencies could be all
externalized from GWT and get rid of the GWT Tools.

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