On Friday, February 28, 2014 5:07:04 AM UTC+1, James Nelson wrote:
>>> There is not much more that what is already discussed earlier in the 
>> list . APT takes responsibility of codegen out of GWT compiler and get more 
>> inline with the rest of the java world and works on GWT/Android/server. 
>> That is basically "what would you do if there was no TypeOracle nor 
>> GWT.create". I think one could actually start experimenting with it today.
> I have used APT in places, and to be honest, I've found javax.lang.model 
> to be very clunky in comparison to Gwt Ast; the apis are very generic; for 
> example, Element returns .getEnclosedElements(), which itself returns all 
> enclosed Fields, Methods, Constructors and inner Types.

And then there's ElementFilter to easily extract those things you're 
interested in.

> That said, one would imagine it to be possible to duplicate a lot of the 
> utility provided in Gwt ast by creating a more verbose, specific api to 
> wrap javax models.

I think one of the goals of extracting interfaces in 
c.g.g.core.ext.typeinfo at some point was to allow implementing them on top 
of javax.lang.model, so that GWT generators could possibly run as APT 
processors (or eventually using runtime javax.lang.model implementation: 
http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/119). It might be impossible (or only 
partially possible) though.

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