> Well I think I have hit a roadblock with the current state of JsInterop. 
> Given the code below

>  public class Example {
>     @JsType(isNative = true, namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, name = "Object")
>     private static class State extends BaseState {
>         public String aStateVar;
>     }
>     static public BaseState getInitialState() {
>         State s = new State();
>         s.aStateVar = "Initial Value";
>         return s;
>     }
>     protected static final native <S extends BaseState> S getState() /*-{;
>         return this.state;
>     }-*/;
>     static public ReactElement<?> render() {
>         //getState will not work because the this in the global JSNI function 
> is bound to $Wnd
>         State ourState = getState();
>         .
>         .
>     }
>     public native JavaScriptObject makeSpec() /*-{
>         return {
>             render : $entry(this.render()),
>             getInitialState : $entry(this.getInitialState())
>         };
>     }-*/;
> }
The render method gets called fine and within this method this points to 
the react element. I need to get the state and props that are stored as 
variables. The problem is I have no way of getting this.props unless I use 
JSNI. The JSNI function created is defined on the global window object and 
this is bound to the window object. So I am dead in the water until I can 
get the class based component working. Even if I get this working I will 
face another issue. In ES6 components you normally have to bind any 
callbacks to the enclosing object.this. e.g.

render() { return ( <div onClick={this.tick.bind(this)}> Clicks: {this.state
.count} </div> ); 

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