I've been over your gwt-events - looked good from 30 mins or so of poking 
around, but largely copy/paste, so that makes sense right?

Removing old browsers seems reasonable - if we get issues filed asking for 
old browser support, we can deal with that as needed, but these are meant 
to be modern builds of modules that still have support for old browsers. 
GWT 3 won't support the modern browsers, and even IE11 doesn't support 
Promises, so implementing Scheduler.scheduleFinally might not be possible 
without JSNI and $entry anyway... That's always been my understanding of 
the approach at least.

I'll read those other three today, but if the tests pass and the API holds 
(aside from renaming packages), it sounds like they could already be out 
there and ready for use ;). So what's the holdup? I'm being facetious, but 
I'm hoping we can make a plan that even we active contributors can follow, 
and set an easy example for others to follow.

That said, with Jens's reply in mind: If we want a CLA for projects that 
get under gwtproject.org, if we want strict code review (though I did put 
the checkstyle in my sample project), I'm going to advocate strongly for 
individual projects and personal groupIds to start with, until people who 
want to build that process are happy with it and have it deployed. The 
downside of having strict standards seems clear: not even active 
contributors are trying to meet them. At least Git gives us the ability to 
look back in history, and see where code came from in an external project, 
make sure everyone is on board with moving to gwtproject.

On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 11:14:34 AM UTC-6, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 6:02:03 PM UTC+1, Colin Alworth wrote:
>> Thanks guys - I guess I'm confused as to why Daniel and Thomas have their 
>> projects so far in their own repos, and not in github.com/gwtproject - I 
>> was following that example. If you guys are ready to move them now and ship 
>> them (0.9 or 1.0-beta-n, either works for me) to central, then I have no 
>> objection.
>> My main goal was to lower the barrier to entry - if we don't ship things 
>> that aren't under gwtproject, and we don't even put *our own projects* 
>> on gwtproject, I was concerned about how this might look to external 
>> contributors, especially given how many small projects we're going to need 
>> to have started and finished in the near future. 
>> If you guys can move your projects and get them out on central,
> I'd prefer if someone reviewed them before (particularly gwt-events; 
> gwt-http, gwt-window and gwt-history have nothing controversial in there 
> IIRC, except maybe for the fact I removed support for "old browsers" –they 
> should theoretically work in IE10+, Firefox ESR, and evergreen browsers).
> Also wrt the choice of groupId and artifactId.
> If you'd prefer that I don't wait before I move them, that works for me; 
> but I'd rather have a second pair of (critical) eyes look at the code 
> before I push anything to Central (btw, we need to ask Sonatype OSSRH for 
> the org.gwtproject groupId, and grant release rights to a few people; who 
> does that?)
> I'll change my yet-unpublished advice to be "start the project in your own 
>> repo, and ask it be moved once it is ready" or perhaps "ask for a new repo 
>> to be created in gwtproject, then push your sources there in a large pull 
>> request"?
> I'd rather go for the second advice then.
> (fwiw, I tried to follow your yet-unpublished blog post for gwt-http, 
> gwt-window and gwt-history, and have it show clearly and cleanly in the 
> commit history; it took some time but at least they can serve as examples)

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