Thanks to everyone who contributed their comments on this problem.  It
has been tremendously educational for me.  This is my first crack at
using GWT.

To clarify, I am trying to send event messages between separately
compiled GWT mini-apps on one page, not just separate modules.  As was
suggested in this thread, I've found it an intractable problem without
resorting to pure javascript plumbing and it sounds like I may not be
doing myself any good anyway as far as speed and size are concerned,
at least until I am talking about quite a few different mini-apps.
Maybe be the time I reach that point, the runAsync feature will be
available and solve that problem, too.

 As much as anything, it just felt *wrong* to be carrying around from
page to page a bunch of app code that would be used on only one or two
of the pages, but maybe I just need to get over that and get on with
the project.

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