
If there's just one class like that, I would package it with the
client code, and in my Ant script (or whatever) to build the server
side deployment, just make sure to compile and copy that class.  Then
you don't need to mess with additional Modules.

But if you want to go the route you have started down, it sounds as
though you have not established the correct source path for MyClass.
If it's not in a "client/" folder right under the folder where you
Module file is, then its path needs to be explicit.


On Nov 10, 5:05 pm, Bliss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am having a similar issue integrating a GWT page into my existing
> J2EE app.
> I have isolated all of my GWT code into the 'normal' structure, but
> have one Class that 'bridges' my GWT code and my existing backend
> business. I was hoping this would make it easier to integrate
> dependency-wise.
> my com.myproject.myGWTProject has a java class that needs to access
> to
> com.myproject.mysubpackage.myClass
> I am not sure what needs to be added to the GWT configuration in order
> to compile my module with this class reference. I have add the
> myClass.gwt.xml to the directory, created a jar with myClass.class,
> and myClass.gwt.xml and added this to the lib directory
> of my GWT app. I then added this to the .compile and .shell and added
> an inherits to myGWTProject.gwt.xml - but i still get a "no source
> code" error for myClass.
> On Oct 29, 7:01 am, walden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I meant to say "GWT modules" above, not packages.
> > On Oct 28, 12:37 pm, walden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > VK,
> > > For starters, why don't you create a 'gwt' folder in your source
> > > hierarchy that is outside the scope of all your Java EE classes, and
> > > preserve the canonical gwt project structure there.  It could be just
> > > as simple as that.  In future, if you have GWT remote services, you
> > > may want to move their implemtnations to your servlet folder, if you
> > > have one.  There are other things you might need to do if you intend
> > > to share model classes between EJB3 and GWT, but let's talk about that
> > > later, as it involves creating additional GWT package(s).
> > > The important thing at this stage is not to try to shuffle GWT client
> > > classes in with other stuff that does not need to meet up with the GWT
> > > compiler.  Keep life simple.
> > > Walden
> > > On Oct 28, 8:36 am, vk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > I've been developing a GWT-application that uses RPC. However, now I
> > > > want to integrate the GWT-app into the existing J2EE-application . I
> > > > am however not very good at integrating GWT-structure, or how to
> > > > succesfully move it around to make it fully integrated with all the
> > > > existing code in the J2EE-app.
> > > > Att he moment I have two different file-structures, one for the J2EE-
> > > > app and one on my GWT-app (the GWT-structure is the standard-file
> > > > structure, for example:
> > > > src/ com.mycompany.project / public / Search.html Search.css build.xml
> > > > Search.gwt.xml
> > > > com.mycompany.project.client / (Entry-point-class)
> > > >
> > > > com.mycompany.project.server /
> > > > My questions are: 1) How do I integrate this fully into my existing
> > > > J2EE-project? (Where do the files go etc?)
> > > > 2) Can I move the files wherever I want in the existing J2EE-project
> > > > and have them recompiled as I want? (How do I make sure GWT-compiler
> > > > knows which of the java-files it has to worry about in the vast
> > > > ammount of java-files in the J2EE-project? And where do I change
> > > > this?)
> > > > I hope you can understand my problems and what I'm in need of help
> > > > with. Maybe someone got a screenshot of how to place the GWT-files in
> > > > a non-GWT-project and which files has to be changed to make the GWT-
> > > > files still be compiled as you want to (while skipping all non-gwt-
> > > > files).
> > > > If it makes a difference, I'm using MyEclipse to develop this.
> > > > thanks in advance,- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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