Hello Bob,
Thanks for answer, I'll check the article on Microsoft.

Considering the natives, we have prepared test application, where we
exclude all natives, DOM class method calls, and even eventListeners.
Sometimes browser frees some memory, but not all (after memory
release, total browser's memory allocation is greater then before

So the problem seems still exists.

On Jan 15, 3:04 pm, Bob Stachel <rstac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Try this article as a starting point in understanding IE memory leaks.
> Internet Explorer is far worse than other browsers in memory
> managment.
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb250448.aspx
> If your application uses "pure" GWT you will be somewhat protected
> from leaks, but perhaps you have some native methods that employ
> function closures (by far the easiest way to incur major leaks).
> On Jan 14, 9:00 am, Lex <alexey.tsiunc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello all.
> > I'd like to ask the question about the approaches normally used to
> > manage memory in GWT applications. Till the moment I wrote this post,
> > I read most of discussions on the group related to this topik, but
> > unfortunately have no answer on my question.
> > What I'm actually looking for: is some guide or list of rules "What is
> > necessary to be done in GWT code, to prevent GWT application to
> > consume more and more memory". This problem occurs in Internet
> > Explorer.
> > Currently we are developing rather big application using GWT. During
> > developement process we had noticed that Internet Explorer consumes
> > memory more and more and never release it. We had also noticed that
> > after we press refresh button in IE, it finally releases most of
> > consumed memory (but not all). We try to check out pages with IE leak
> > detectors, sIEve, and Microsoft JS Memory Leak Detector. Those tools
> > are not detect any memory leaks in our application.
> > After this we create very simple test. We create SimplePanelwidget,
> > and put some FlexTable on it. After this we put in this flex table
> > different widgets (Buttons, checkboxes, etc.). After we add
> > SimplePanel to the rootPanel, and remove it from root panel. Do this
> > several times (using timer). After each cycle (add, remove SimplePanel
> > from RootPanel) some amount of memory ~200 KB is not released.
> > So my questions are following:
> > -  Does the situation when IE is not released all memory it consumes
> > is know issue or not?
> > -  Does anybody know what may be done to reduce or remove at all
> > memory leaking?
> > -  Does anybody have URL to some guides of memory management in GWT
> > applications?
> > Any help will be highly appreciated
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