On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 9:24:24 PM UTC+1, Erik Kuefler wrote:
> I'm trying to prevent GWT from generating .symbolMap files, since these 
> are too large to upload to AppEngine and I'm using my own linker to 
> generate an alternative. The same issue was brought up 4 years ago: 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-web-toolkit/Py-D0oV68fg.
> Adding <set-property name="compiler.useSymbolMaps" value="false"/> 
> doesn't seem to do anything, even though it looks like it should 
> <https://github.com/gwtproject/gwt/blob/c9c32256f6ffb8ca69f50693a06b91bc25331fef/dev/core/src/com/google/gwt/core/linker/SymbolMapsLinker.java#L259>.
> Using the suggestion from the old thread about making my linker remove the 
> symbolMap artifacts doesn't work, maybe because my linker is running before 
> the symbol map one. Defining a custom linker over the top of the symbol map 
> one doesn't work, since it looks like that linker is now also used to 
> generate source maps for dev mode, which I need.
> Is there another option or a way to get set-property working? Right now my 
> only option if a script that removes these outside of the GWT compiler.

IIRC, passing a -deploy to the compiler will make it emit the symbolMaps 
outside your webapp (assuming -deploy points outside the webapp) and solve 
the AppEngine issue 

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