I too would like to know how to debug event-related problems?

In my case, I dynamically insert an Element into a TreeItem, via DOM
manipulation, in order to display an editing control for the selected
tree node. This worked well using GWT 1.4.62, but no longer works
using GWT 1.6.4. It looks like the tree nodes are represented by a
different DOM/HTML structure in the new version, so I made changes to
accomodate this (somewhat). But a serious problem remains: no
ClickEvents are registered on the Element that I insert into the DOM.

I've tried to debug this by inserting an HTML element explicitly set
to have a hyperlink with a javascript href value to pop up an alert
box. The link appears, and on mouseover the browser status bar shows
javascript:alert(), but on click nothing happens.

Any tips for how to debug such a situation?

Any tips for how to insert Elements via DOM manipulations and still
have them participate in event handling, i.e. click events?


On Apr 20, 5:58 am, darkflame <darkfl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I got a widget with a set of hyperlinks on it thats appearing ontop of
> other page elements.
> None of the links seem to be firing when clicked, so I suspect
> something else is grabbing them. (specifically a modified dialogue
> box...but I don't know what element in the box is doing it)
> I'm not too good with Dom stuff, but I tried inserting a;
>         GWT.log(DOM.getCaptureElement().toString(),null);
> Where the handlers are being assigned, but it just returns null.
> (probably on the wrong line of thinking altogether, but that was the
> only thing I could spot to try).
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