You may want to examine first.  It's not the JSR
(name collision is due to convenience, not relation), but it may have what
you want.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 4:20 AM, Nail Ünlü <> wrote:

> Hiho,
> Im in the process to evaluate the JSR 286 Portlet specification
> support of GWT and have some questions that you guys could maybe
> answer :-) The evaluation takes place in the IBM Websphere Portal
> portlet.
> 1. As someone can have several portlets put on one page, how can
> someone handle the namespace issues inside the same page? Using
> <portlet:namespace/> in the JSP is not an option as the client code
> (with Javscript) is generated. So how can i ensure that my javascript
> for each portlet has unique namings, my DIV's etc. in my portlet are
> name unique (e.g to avoid that one portlet can change the visibility
> of another portlets DIV, as they are named the same way) ?

If all developers use your library & at one point all widgets go through
your library, then you can guarantee the div gets the namespace somehow
added to the ID.

> 2. How can i respect the different Phases of a JSR 286 portlet with
> GWT?Im totally aware that with the Asynchronous communication, the
> processAction-Method becomes obsolete...but how do you handle the
> situation, where a Portlet calls your portlet through a ActionURL ?
> How do you process the request and do your action?

I'm not familiar with the JSR (wonder how many people here are).  Can you
expand on the requirement?

> 3. How does the interportlet communication, which is specified in JSR
> 286 work? Im aware that there are possibilities to do it between GWT
> "enabled"-Portlets through AJAX but how do you communicate with a non-
> GWT-Portlet that DOES support JSR 286 render parameter functionality?

Please clarify the requirement here.  It's possible to do some level of
communication between GWT modules that are on 1 page.  Not trivial, but
possible (but I believe they would have to expose some kind of
non-conflicting interface, in terms of the function name), but these apps
would have to be created to begin with with the expectation of being used as
a JS library.  However, making a GWT-"enabled"-Portlet can just be a simple
<inherits> away.

> >

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