I already ported my app to use gwt-presenter. So far it really work out :)


2009/7/20 Eduardo Nunes <esnu...@gmail.com>:
> For everyone following this thread, I would recommend to take a look
> in the presenter's implementation created by David
> http://gwt-presenter.googlecode.com
> I'm taking a look on it too, and it seems to be very interesting. I
> will port my little application as a proof concept. As soon as
> possible I will post here a feedback.
> Best regards,
> Eduardo S. Nunes
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 4:43 AM, Thomas Broyer<t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 13 juil, 11:18, Kwhit <kwhitting...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm following your work with interest Eduardo, I'm in the process of
>>> building a 'dream-team reference application' myself including RPC,
>>> EasyMock, GIN, Guice, ... so I can unit test and hack end-to-end
>>> without deploying on a server.
>>> Here's question / comment...
>>> I don't understand the go() method on the presenter impl classes. Take
>>> for example mainPresenter.go(): it does a bit of widget composition
>>> adding the menu and returns the view which is the job of getView().
>>> Then in go() you call menuPresenter.showMenu() which doesn't actually
>>> show the menu but instead it returns the view which is again the job
>>> of MenuPresenterImpl.getView().
>>> My guess is you are (like me) having some problems in the last metre
>>> of the 100m just glueing the application together. I don't have a nice
>>> answer for that yet...
>> Just a thought: how about building *some of* the "view hierarchy" via
>> DI too and inject the very same views (widgets) in both their parent
>> widget (for "view compositing") and presenter? (only in the case of
>> singletons of course, and use providers and/or these getView/getWidget
>> methods we've talked about otherwise).
>> E.g. in Eduardo's sample: inject a MenuWidget instance into both the
>> MainWidget constructor and the MenuPresenterImpl (MenuWidget is laid
>> out by MainWidget and controlled by MenuPresenterImpl); and in the
>> case of the IssueDisplayXXX and IssueEditXXX, use providers as of
>> today for lazy-init (inject Provider<IssueDisplayWidget> and
>> Provider<IssueEditWidget> into MainWidget), but use singletons though,
>> so that the view and presenter are correctly associated while still
>> using two distinct, unrelated providers.
>> And only in those cases where you need several instances of a
>> component (presenter/view) you'd have to use the getView/getWidget
>> methods so that you get/create a presenter instance from the Ginjector
>> which gets injected its own view.
>> It's just an idea, feel free to reject it with whichever argument
>> comes to your mind ;-)
>> >
> --
> Eduardo S. Nunes
> http://e-nunes.com.br
> >

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