This issue is still present on GWT 2.0 final.
I've made some tests: creating a new GWT project with Collections in
RPC methods don't result in such code being inserted in the generated
The point is: our project is quite huge, but I can confirm that there
are no occurrences of any of the ListenerCollections mentioned.
Compiling with -compileReport shows as only references for those
collections the RPC generated TypeSerializers and FieldSerializers.
Could someone, please, explain how to get rid of those unwanted (and
unused) collections in the generated code?

PS: I've read some time ago that all this deprecated code would be
removed in GWT 2. It's even in the source code that it would be
removed. Why it wasn't?!?
If it's for people using the old event listeners, I can assure that
I've migrated from GWT 1.5 to 1.7 in 1,5 days. When I first replaced
Listeners by Handlers I had 600+ compilation errors. Just changed the
inner classes and everything worked. And better. Not to count having
to rearrange the app to use the war directory. So I think this is no
excuse for keeping deprecated code, as I think that 99% of the GWT
users are working in a code base the same size or smaller than ours.


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