In the end, it's all JS to the client, so not sure what "wrapper" would
really mean.  The downside may be they can't get the same optimizations that
come with the Java-to-JS compiler as it increases in capability and can gen
browser-specific versions.

But if you need to move now, GWT just doesn't have professional quality
widgets for enterprise solutions.  It's almost like a step backwards from
JSP when you see how much effort it takes to develop a table with sortable
columns and have to transmit data (damn those DTOs) client-server when
before it was all in the server.

SmartGWT has some good solutions now, but you do have to wonder how long
they'll command that lead.  Then again, if you like SmartGWT, you (or
Google) could use those classes to eventually be all-GWT-based and no longer
rely on SmartClient, or of course develop comparable widgets of their own
from the ground up.  But how long will that take?  There's no promise of it
coming is there?  And can you wait that long?  It's a conundrum for us
right, now, that's for sure.


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