Hey Dan,

I'm seeing something similar.  I don't know if this is your case but
this is what I've discovered.  If the url you specify with the -
startupUrl does NOT point to a page that uses GWT, the "FF" tab is
never seen in the development mode window.  Even if you browse to a
page that uses GWT, you will not see the "FF" tab and you cannot debug
the client-side code.  If the -startupUrl points to a page that uses
GWT then everything works fine.  I created a post on this problem a
few weeks ago and I have not seen a response.  If you figure something
out please post your solution.

- Jay

On Feb 7, 12:52 pm, mooreds <moor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to get GWT 2.0.1 development mode working with the -
> noserver option.  The main issue is that while running in development
> mode, any changes I make in the GWT java classes are not reflected
> when I refresh the browser.
> This is a bit of a nonstandard setup, so let me outline it a bit.
> We have a number of apps that depend on some other cvs modules:
> * gwtapp1
> * gwtapp2
> * gwtlib1
> * gwtlib2
> All of these depend on code running on the server (json files, RPC)
> and I couldn't figure out how to get them working with the built in
> Jetty server.  (For one thing, I couldn't figure out how to have the
> different projects all compile into one WEB-INF/classes directory.)
> gwtapp1 compiles the GWT into the root directory, and works just fine.
> gwtapp2 compiles the GWT into /static/gwt/  One other difference that
> may be relevant is that gwtapp2 uses the cross site linker.  However,
> removing that line from the .gwt.xml file didn't seem to make a
> difference in the behavior.  Another difference is the directory that
> gwtapp2 compiles into actually has 3 different modules in it (but I'm
> not trying to touch any of the other modules).
> It works fine in 'production' mode, when built via ant.  But it
> doesn't work in development mode.
> Here's the arguments I'm using for the eclipse launcher:
> -noserver -startupUrlhttp://localhost:8080/HomePage.do
> com.foo.gwtapp2 (I've tried different URLs, including a static html
> page)
> The GWT development mode window pops up just fine, but I never see the
> 'FF' tab pop up when I click 'launch default browser'.  I do see this
> url in the browser window:  
> http://localhost:8080/HomePage.do?gwt.codesvr=
> I see no messages in the development mode window.  However, when I
> turn the logLevel up to DEBUG (-logLevel DEBUG) I see the 'Loading
> Modules' line.  When I am working with gwtapp1 (which works) I also
> see a 'Connection received from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' message.
> Before the 'Connection recieved', I see the following TRACE messages
> when running either app:
>     00:00:02.078  [TRACE] Invoking Linker RPC policy file manifest
>     00:00:02.078  [TRACE] Invoking Linker Standard
>       00:00:02.094  [DEBUG] Attempting to optimize JS
>     00:00:02.141  [TRACE] Invoking Linker Export CompilationResult
> symbol maps
>     00:00:02.141  [TRACE] Invoking Linker Emit compile report
> artifacts
>     00:00:02.141  [TRACE] Linking compilation into C:\eclipse-workspace
> \account\war\com.foo.gwtapp[12]
> I imagine that the Connection is the issue, but am not quite sure how
> to debug it.
> I've installed the Google FF plugin, and am using FF 3.6.  This is an
> old project so it was not created with the google eclipse plugin.
> Running on eclipse 3.4.2 on Windows XP, if that matters.
> I've reviewed this 
> FAQ:http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/FAQ_DebuggingAndCompilin...
> and made sure that I have all the .rpc files in the /static/gwt
> directory.  This directory is browser accessible (ie, when I put a
> file here:http://localhost:8080/static/gwt/a.txt, I can read it with
> my browser).
> I also played around with the -codeServerPort argument, but that
> didn't seem to make any difference.  In the thought that it was
> perhaps a urlrewrite issue (gwtapp2 does some url rewriting) I put a
> static html file in the /static/gwt directory, but that still didn't
> lead to a Connection being made.
> I have done some searching on the web and in the GWT google group, but
> haven't found much else.  I also didn't find anything when searching
> through the bug list.
> What am I missing?  Can anyone give me further places I should look or
> ideas?
> Thanks,
> Dan

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