On Oct 5, 2:30 pm, Brian <hibr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to figure out onAttach() onDetatch() onDetachChildren() to
> ensure I'm not leaking, but I don't quite get it.  Is there a
> reference somewhere?  Am I best digging through the code to figure out
> the flow?  I've read the javadocs, but am having a hard time putting
> it together.
> Got a gwt app, server sends me down a block of html (a table which is
> a calendar), gwt client takes the html, and calls setInnerHtml() on a
> widget.  Perfect.
> The server's html has a <div id="foo"></div> that I want to take over,
> and shove widgets into.

Have a look at HTMLPanel then.

> It'd be nice if I could do:
> RootPanel().get("foo").add(...);  // but this asserts
> What I've done instead is create a wrapper which subclasses Widget,
> implements HasClickHandlers, and makes onAttach() public.
> Then I create my wrapped Anchor, get the div in the server's html and
> append:
> Anchor link = new Anchor("click me");
> MyWrapper wrapper = new MyWrapper(link.getElement());
> wrapper.addOnClickHandler(...);
> wrapper.onAttach();  // without this, I can't handle the clicks
> HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel();
> hp.add(link);
> // add more to hp
> DivElement serverElement =
> Document.get().getElementById("foo").cast();
> serverElement.appendChild(hp.getElement());
> --- This all works great.  I've got my panel in the div, and the link
> works.
> I'm just wondering if I need to do more, as I don't really 'get' the
> attach, detach, detachChildren flow.

Not detaching your widgets when you remove them from the document (and/
or on window.unload) will lead to memory leaks in some browsers
(mainly, or maybe even *only*, IE6/7/8).
You'll note that RootPanel, and every widget that has a wrap() static
method, will register itself to be "detached on window close", which
will detach all its children.

But really, what you're trying to do is already there, in HTMLPanel.

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