
I recently made some tool updates to Helios & GWT 2.1, and everything
looks pretty good. However, I am seeing some changed behavior
regarding the date/time formatting and locales.  Previously, my "out-
of-the-box" compile gave me "en-US" formatting (12 hr times, week
starting on Sun, and mm/dd/yy). Now, I am seeing 24 hr clock, weeks
starting on Monday, and yyyy-mm-dd formatting. I changed my
DateTimeFormat calls to the deprecated 'getShortDateFormat' to
'getFormat(PredefinedFormat.DATE_SHORT)' without any luck (and similar
changes for other date/time functions).

I did include the "<inherits name="com.google.gwt.i18n.I18N"/>" based
on guidance found at 
However, this did not seem to help.



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