
completely agree,
Google offered  $6 Billion to Groupon,
and are investing in Wind power and space adventures.
as the OP stated, if Google team is too focused on hard problems/
architectural decisions,
why not invest/acquire a company to do this for them and the

Sencha is dedicated to developing widgets, and their upcoming 3.0 is
very promising.
wish Google had acquired them instead of GWT Designer.

on the positive note,
CellWidgets are great, lightweight and fast,
and the GWT MVP is superb.
great framework for developing serious apps.

a new GQuery Plugin, supports Drag and Drop for GWT CellWidgets,
which is great news.


>>I was thinking if Google Team is busy with the architectural aspect of
>>GWT, why not invest in or acquire a company to work on a powerful and
>>complete Widget Library to put others to shame. (after all its Google,
>>right ?!)
>>I can understand why they have not done this so far, because Google
>>have always been about simplicity and investing in more bleeding-edge
>>technologies, but they can acquire others to do this for GWT
>>community !

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